… and a Happy New Year to you as well

Life has been a bit hectic December is always a busy month. Christmas and New Year occupy over a week plus I became a grandfather for the first time and the grandson has a healthy pair of lungs. This meant a trip to Heidelberg, not such an easy job during the pandemic. Luckily no hitches […]
My MS journey begins, 24 years before diagnosis

Some events are very significant, and the emotional impact is unforgettable. Events such as marriage, death of a spouse or parent. I will never forget that moment in 1996 when the consultant uttered the words “You have multiple sclerosis”. Many years later I realised my MS journey began 24 years before my diagnosis. My MS […]
Understand MS fatigue, logic can fly out of the window

For many people fatigue is an unenviable part of multiple sclerosis, its severity varies from person to person. People do not truly understand MS fatigue unless they suffer from it. The cause of this hidden disability is not properly understood. Worse still, too many people do not appreciate that fatigue is a chronic hidden disability. […]
Standing daylight reading light

The standing daylight reading light is a white high-vision floor-standing lamp. The low energy bulbs create a near day-light effect. I like this because books magazines and newspapers are much easier for me to read, this is something I enjoy doing. Vision out of my left eye is not good because of multiple sclerosis so […]
Something vaguely interesting, dining across the divide

Its July, the middle of a dreadful summer and I’ve got nothing to do so I‘m surfing the internet. I find something vaguely interesting, The Guardian are offering a chance to have a discussion with someone who holds opposing views. A free meal is thrown in. I answer the questions on my views, submit my […]
I attempt a stupid walking challenge, only 100 Km

Earlier this year I tried a stupid walking challenge, only a mere 100 Km over 10 months. I have used an FES for over six years, it helps my walking. A year ago I completed a one hour walk. At the end I was exhausted but it was deeply satisfying especially as I raised over […]
Would a spiky ball foot massage help me with my balance?

I was toppling onto the floor far too often and I could see a wheelchair hovering over me 🙁 So, I arranged to see a physiotherapist at the Chilterns MS Therapy centre. At the start of every appointment the physiotherapist massaged my feet and ankles with a spiky ball to improve my balance. Would a […]
Medical retirement sounds relaxing until it happens

Imagine I’m 10 years younger, a mere 56 but still with advanced MS. Faced with the prospect of returning to the office or still working from home then the idea of early retirement is exciting. The children have flown the nest and grandchildren are imminent. Would a city break in Europe suit me and The […]
Now I’m comfortable in my skin

Multiple sclerosis affects everyone differently. My life was busy with work, family and a tiny wee bit of MS until medical retirement arrived. My MS started in 1972 but it was not diagnosed until 1996 with RRMS. MS made no impact on my life even after diagnosis, the relapses were very sporadic and disappeared as […]
My sewing skills are tested in the Under and Over trial

Twelve weeks to test my sewing skills. Another one of my MS stories. That old friend MS is now slowly destroying the nerves I use to control the fingers of my left hand. Find out how I discover my sewing skills have deteriorated. My sewing skills There was a time, many years ago when I […]
Broken skin: my Functional Electrical Stimulation story

MS affects my left leg and I have been using an FES since late 2014. For the previous 10 years I had used a Musmate a simple mechanical device that is a walking aid for foot-drop. My foot-drop and leg-drop mean that I cannot walk unaided and I walk very slowly. My Functional Electrical Stimulation […]
The curious incident of the missing disability ramp

I often travel by train on London NorthWestern Railway, I ride The Tike to my local station, flash my disabled person’s travel card, and buy a ticket. The staff check which train I am catching and my destination. When the train arrives at the station a member of the staff puts up disability ramp up […]
Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter

I hired a Kymco Mini Comfort mobility scooter while my wonderful Travelscoot has some essential maintenance in Germany. Wow, what a difference. Riding each one is very different and calls for different skills. The Kymco Mini Comfort Compact Mobility Scooter is a centurion tank of small compact mobility scooters. Do I need a disabled label? […]
Dog chews the internet cable

Stress happens when there is an excess of emotional or mental pressure. Something totally unexpected happens and the body does not know what to do. The flight or fight reaction creates a conflict which leads to stress. Dog chews the internet cable taking my stress levels to a new high. The Lunchbox show Every Thursday […]
Sending my TravelScoot back to Germany

I have an electrical fault with my TravelScoot and it is unusable. I reported the problem to the English office who told me to return it to Munich, the head office, for essential maintenance. Sending my TravelScoot back to Germany was fraught with problems. First things first I had to find a supplier of a […]
Black Handled Mezzaluna, two handled herb chopper

A Mezzaluna is two parallel metal crescent shaped blades with a handle at each end. The rocking action of the blades is such an easy, safe and natural action for chopping herbs. Mezzaluna means “half moon” in Italian, after the curved shape of the blade Two handled herb chopper It is very easy to use when I […]
I have a radio show

I have a radio show with Tring radio every week. We, me and Jessie, present a magazine show, just chat and music. This Thursday 3rd June will be my 10th show live on air. I have always wanted be on the radio but never admitted that to myself. The organisers, Tim and Rachel together with […]
2021 MS Awareness Week or living with my multiple sclerosis

It’s the annual chance to make people more aware of the problems of living with multiple sclerosis. Yup, its the MS Awareness week. Multiple sclerosis is different for everyone, The handicaps, niggles and disabilities all gang up and form your own personalised version of MS. I have my own unique selection, but hey-ho things could […]
My positive attitude despite MS disability

Isn’t it great when a positive event happens, I love it. The wretched pandemic has imposed so many restrictions on everyone’s life, mine has been no exception. It’s not always easy to see when there is an opportunity that is exciting and fun. I always try to have a positive attitude despite MS disability. Gardening […]
Under & Over Rehabilitation Trial

This is an opportunity to check out if a daily 30 minute sewing exercise program can help with rehabilitation of arms, fingers and hands. This sounds absolutely ideal for me. Its called the Under & Over Rehabilitation trial. People take it for granted that they can write, use a cork screw or peel an onion. […]
I am all fingers and thumbs

Do want to participate in an MS trial? The trial is to evaluate a way to help restore and retain use of arms and hands? It is a simple and fun trial to test manual dexterity and spatial awareness. Full details are shown at the end of this post. I am all fingers and thumbs. […]
My Travelscoot Lithium battery needs replacing

I believe County Batteries no longer refurbish Travelscoot batteries. I will update you as more information is confirmed. Please watch this space. Regular readers know I love my Travelscoot mobility scooter. It even has a nick-name – The Trike. Before lockdown I used it every day so about every 4 years the Travelscoot Lithium battery […]