Basic Info
A little bit of basic information about me, how the website came about and a bit on on the content of the website. The last part is really a brief description of the contents of each menu tab, shown above along the top of the screen. Someone might even call it a geography lesson or even just a simple ‘how to …’
I hope you enjoy the website.
December 2018
I am Patrick and I have advanced multiple sclerosis

I am Patrick and I have advanced multiple sclerosis; A physically active life is no longer possible, balance and walking problems get in the way. Also I am not allowed to drive because of double vision, another kind gift from multiple sclerosis (MS). The beginning I am convinced my multiple sclerosis started in 1972, my […]
The Website

There are numerous multiple sclerosis (MS) websites. There are those run by large organisations and there are ones like this one, run by one man and his dog. I hope this one is different and makes you curious. The main aims of the website are to provide two different services. The two main functions […]