Covid 19 and isolation

Pandemic crisis Covid 19
In March 2020 the Covid 19 and isolation pandemic hit this country. This is a weekly record of my life during the first few months of the outbreak
March 2020
Mid March and the supermarket shelves began to empty of all the basic foods like tinned tomatoes, pasta, flour and rice. Panic buying in the supermarkets was a sign that life was going to change and everyone was getting anxious. People were being told not to travel, instead work from home.
On 26 March the UK government made stipulations that changed the way we will live and work. Lock down started and the results were draconian. Queues to get into shops that were open, supermarkets, chemists and the poostoffice. No socialising, work from home and only essential travel. This was a big shock for everyone.
Only essential businesses remain open, so many people now work from home. The schools are now closed luckily this coincided with a leapfrog from chilly winter weather to blue skies and summer sunshine. Spring came and went in a flash.
April 2020
The streets were deserted, people were frightened as the death toll in Britain began to creep up by several hundred a day. Nobody was too sure who was likely be infected by the virus. The only certain facts were being over 70, obese, respiratory problems or a compromised immune system put you at risk so self isolation was the order of the day. Social distancing controlled life. If you went outside face masks were de-rigeur and a soggy winter has been replaced by glorious sunny spring.
Superficially my life has not changed significantly except that I had to be at or close to home. I am slow to adapt to any change: is it the MS, being 65 or am I a stubborn old git?
May 2020
Events are changing by the day. People are now talking about getting this country back to work but no one is quite sure how to go about it. On the surface lock down life is becoming the norm. Scratch the surface and the inequalities of day-to-day life are very evident. Job security, growing inequalities and social deprivation will soon bubble to the surface. I am lucky, I live in the relatively wealthy middle-class English town nestling on the edge of the Chilterns. My conscience is pricking me.
By mid May the rate of infection is slowing down but lock down was still definitely in place. The rate of infection is slowing down and I’m now starting to get bored. No one can do anything different. Care homes are now the centre of the epidemic
Towards the end of May people can take exercise twice a day and visit garden centres. Information on an exit strategy from this crisis is sketchy. Its still one day at a time but the weather is fantastic.
By the last week of May the end of the beginning is taking place. Primary schools are opening up on 1st June, dentists get the go ahead for the following week and as non essential shops in mid June.
Patrick has found an important challenge to overcome

I need a challenge to overcome in my life. Lockdown has been a double-edged weapon for me. Watching the garden grow and evolve over the last three or four months has given me enormous pleasure. This garden project will last for the rest of the year. Finding the energy to take exercise was the problem. […]
Blogger’s block or possibly bored with lock down

20-June 2020 It’s been over 3 months since we were all catapulted onto a different planet. My day-to-day existence rules change every day. You as well? Subtle changes every day. Surely me, a person disabled by multiple sclerosis, should have no problem finding topics to write on and post them on my website. Nope its […]
My exercise routine at home that ticks a lot of boxes

7 June 2020 I am proud of myself. Bit of an arrogant statement but what the hell. Every day always starts with a quick burst of aerobic activity. Enough to get my heart beating faster. Remember I’m badly disabled by multiple sclerosis, I cannot walk unaided. Is this exercise routine at home good for me? […]
Our garden creates positive moments for us

28 May 2020. Every cloud has a silver lining. Our garden creates positive moments for us. Since early March there has been an enormous cloud hanging over this country. This cloud forced our little niche business to close. The Wife is responsible for looking after up to half a dozen dogs each day while the […]
I enjoy a spontaneous event during the lock down

23 May 2019 I enjoy a spontaneous event. Something completely unplanned and it must make me feel happy During the lock down caused by Covid19 pandemic so many of these little life-events have stopped. I really was pleased to see the back of a few but there so many that I really miss. I enjoy […]
Now it is the boredom since lock down started

11/05/2020 Its now over 7 weeks since the Covid19 lock down started, boredom is definitely hovering on the perimeters of my life. Retaining focus and motivation are getting harder. Over the years me and MrsB have developed a good coping strategy and mutual understanding but these are unusual times. We are both stressed and frustrated […]
Busy doing nothing, I want some variation

5 May 2020. So here we are, over six weeks into the lock down. Forty-two times one day has morphed into the next. The only variation is the weather. I am busy doing nothing. I have a garden, I can see trees and everyone is friendly so I am lucky. Sadly I am not keeping myself […]
Enjoying our garden during the lock-down

24 April 2020 Well, isn’t the weather glorious, but it looks like some rain is due any day. I’m enjoying our garden during the lock-down. In this time of chaos l am able to quietly watch it evolve. More by good luck than design there is always at least one plant flowering in the garden […]
I must ensure exercises become a routine activity

18 April 2020. The coronavirus lock down started at the end of March. Our lives were then thrown into chaos. Everyone had to find a new routine, a new rhythm and this includes me. I made a simple promise to myself. I need to take more exercise and I must ensure the exercises become a […]
Adapt my MS normal to Covid 19 isolation normal

9 April 2020. Right now the chips are down. I need to find a new life that includes Covid 19 isolation. I must not allow depression or anxiety to intrude or overwhelm life. We all need to come up with a new strategy or routine. I must change my MS normal to Covid 19 isolation. […]
An MS crisis with my dysfunctional bladder

29 March 2020. This MS crisis started when I was on holiday in Valencia in February 2019. I woke up one morning wanting a pee but I was unable to insert a catheter into my bladder. The unflappable hotel staff directed me and The Wife to hospital where I was diagnosed with a UTI and […]
Suffering from consequences of panic buying

20-March 2020. People are buying huge amounts of essential food and clearing supermarket shelves on a daily basis. I get out of bed at about 8.00. It takes me nearly an hour just to get dressed. Factor in breakfast and 90 minutes of the day is gone. At this stage of the morning some supermarkets […]