Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed drug

Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed drug. It changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood or consciousness. Unlike many other psychoactive substances it is legal. If you have MS and an unreliable bladder then caffeine is definitely bad news. I love a cup or two of coffee in the morning but there is a price […]
Lucy Bee Extra Virgin Raw Organic Coconut Oil

Why am I reviewing Lucy Bee Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil. It has incredible properties and it is very healthy. It is extremely versatile. Coconut oil is a natural oil that will benefit the body in many ways. Coconut oil is made from the flesh of the coconut. Find out how it is made read this […]
Berkhamsted station is step-free

At long last the lifts at Berkhamsted station are working. It is a step free station.. The lifts were opened to the public on Friday 13 March. It has been an awfully long wait. They started the building work in early 2014 and it was finished by January 2015. People had been seen going up and […]
The inevitable progress

Doing simple things thing seems to leave me feeling exhausted and no physical energy. Hole in my energy tank Why do I leak energy so easily? Any little job leaves me wanting to sit down Not only is it so tiring doing anything remotely active and now it takes me so much longer. I hear […]
The positives from MS

I was going to give this article the title of “What has MS stopped me doing?”. I don’t like that because it is so negative and basically I am a glass half full man so lets make this a positive post. Positive things What good things have happened to me over the last few years? […]
An unwanted visitor

It all started at the back of my throat. It was just a tiny tickle at lunchtime. I honestly thought it was my imagination. It had gone away by the evening, hurray. Next morning, day two, it was a bit tricky to swallow but a couple of cups of tea sorted that one out. I […]
A terrible shock

Last week I discovered that our lovely shower was not working and the problem wasn’t just the shower. Book the engineer The story starts when the thermostat for our power shower broke so the shower water was only freezing cold. I phoned Aqualisa to book an engineer. I pulled the disability card and was told […]
Toilet Frame with Adjustable Height and Width

There time may well come when a Toilet Frame with Adjustable Height and Width is very helpful when you need to sit down or get up from the loo. Be as independent as possible. This toilet frame is designed to give you that independence. It will make life just that little bit easier even if you […]
Inactivity kills more than obesity

Be active, it really is good for you even if you are grossly overweight. Obesity Not taking enough exercise is more likely to kill you than obesity BUT obesity in children is linked with an increased risk of MS and other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s Disease. Inactivity Believe it or not you do not need to […]
FES, 4 weeks later

I was fitted with a Functional Electric Stimulator (FES) in December 2014. No expectations FES has changed my life but not in ways that I was expecting. Actually I did not really have any expectations. I had not done any research into it; at times I’m so idle. I was only getting one fitted because […]