MS Research and Help
Many of the research articles are technical and not easy to read. I have just selected accessible informatkon.
Also included is information on what help is available to people who suffer from MS.
Diagnosis, what next?

You have been diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS), this happened to me in 1995. How many of you have been offered a disease modifying therapy (DMT) and when were you diagnosed? You try disguising a fall When I was diagnosed with MS I was not offered any treatment because none was available. I […]
MS Clinics, reducing missed appointments

South Devon Health Care tested a scheme at Newton Abbot Community Hospital for multiple sclerosis patients. Normally the patients would have to attend a clinic at Torbay hospital, approximately 10 miles away. The trial scheme to give people with MS access to services at Newton Abbot Community Hospital has resulted in fewer missed appointments. Specialist […]
Multiple Sclerosis is a Form of Dementia

Professor Giavannoni has put the cat amongst the pigeons by saying that MS is a form of dementia. The definition of dementia is Dementia is a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with normal activities of daily living, lasting more than six months, not present since birth, and not associated with a loss […]