My Exercise
P[ersonally I think exercise is very important. As well as the obvious health benefits there are mental and emotional benefits. I get that warm glow feeling when I have taken some exercise that has pushed me physically. For me swimming is the only exercise that fits that category.
Going out for a walk with my rollator is also exercise but I don’t get puffed. Instead it tests my balance and use of my legs. I do Pillates and that exercises my core muscles.
Any exercise is good for me, even pottering in our tiny garden. My mind always feels much less cluttered afterwrds.
Advanced MS and sitting down exercises

Advanced MS and exercise are not natural bedfellows. None the less exercise can help us all to manage common MS symptoms such as fatigue, muscle spasms or balance. When I was a child my parents were always saying to me, “Go out side and take some exercise” and it was so easy. Those were happy […]
Would a spiky ball foot massage help me with my balance?

I was toppling onto the floor far too often and I could see a wheelchair hovering over me 🙁 So, I arranged to see a physiotherapist at the Chilterns MS Therapy centre. At the start of every appointment the physiotherapist massaged my feet and ankles with a spiky ball to improve my balance. Would a […]
My exercise routine at home that ticks a lot of boxes

7 June 2020 I am proud of myself. Bit of an arrogant statement but what the hell. Every day always starts with a quick burst of aerobic activity. Enough to get my heart beating faster. Remember I’m badly disabled by multiple sclerosis, I cannot walk unaided. Is this exercise routine at home good for me? […]
I must ensure exercises become a routine activity

18 April 2020. The coronavirus lock down started at the end of March. Our lives were then thrown into chaos. Everyone had to find a new routine, a new rhythm and this includes me. I made a simple promise to myself. I need to take more exercise and I must ensure the exercises become a […]
Is physical exercise good for me

I believe that exercise is good for me and essential to having a good quality of life even despIte suffering from aDVANCED ms MS. It is an excellent activity to re-connect the mind and body before or after a long day of stress. My MS stops aerobic exercise, getting all hot and sweaty. Even just […]
Doing Pilates sitting down
Pilates is a stretching and exercise program focusing on core muscles. These are the ones in your stomach. Keeping these muscles healthy does help my balance and walking. To put it bluntly this means I don’t need to use a wheelchair just yet. It’s only too easy to say “Oh I need to take some […]
Walking round the supermarket with a trolley

When I started taking Fampridine the physiotherapist was insistent that I take more exercise. I mentioned that I go to the supermarket every day and do the shopping on The Trike (3 wheel light-weight mobility scooter). Her eyes lit up, “I know what you can do” she said. “This is an idea. Walking round the supermarket […]
Every morning I have to stretch my stiff muscles

Imagine getting straight out of bed and immediately walking into the bathroom, Haha those were the days and I can still remember them; must have stopped about 2012. Nowadays I have to start my day differently, I must stretch my stiff muscles. Multiple sclerosis is the culprit. What did I do in my sleep? Last […]
Can I walk at least six kilometres

On 24th September 2017 the MS Society is organising a sponsored walk called ‘Together we walk’. On their website they state ‘This September hundreds of MS Superstars, our friends and families, will join forces in London to take in the sights and raise funds to stop MS. Will you join us?’ Can I walk at […]
Swimming is proper exercise

At hydrotherapy I had unexpectedly found myself swimming doggy paddle. Suddenly I realise swimming is proper exercise. There is no fear of falling over. It uses so many muscles. It is healthy exercise and no fear of falling over, call it a water workout. Feeling exhilarated by the thought of swimming a few strokes I […]
A terrible shock

Last week I discovered that our lovely shower was not working and the problem wasn’t just the shower. Book the engineer The story starts when the thermostat for our power shower broke so the shower water was only freezing cold. I phoned Aqualisa to book an engineer. I pulled the disability card and was told […]
Yes I Agree, Exercise is Good For MS Sufferers

Lots of learned people are now saying that exercise is good for MS sufferers and yes I agree. I have always thought that exercise is good for you. On what basis can I back up this obvious statement for MS sufferers? A bit of background Our Golden Retriever, Tonks, did something to one her knees […]