My MS and My Health
MS does affect my health, that is a no-brainer. There are obvious ways it affects my health such as walking. You can see those for yourself. There are also less obvious ones that an outsider might not see such as trouble sleeping or the mental problems, these can be much more troubling.
These might give you an insight into some of my medical problems
Life with MS, always adapting to a new normal
My life with MS as a retired man is much easier than when I was working. Medical retirement took me in 2012, aged 58. I then spent a couple of years wandering around trying to adjust to the new life. Two years talking to a counsellor for 45 minutes once a week in the evening […]
3 traumatic injuries to me
Visits to hospital Multiple Sclerosis was the the one factor that joins these 3 traumatic injuries together. None of them could be described as fun but hey, I survived. Sepsis December 2013 I have used intermittent self-catheterisation to empty my bladder since 2005. this visit to hospital occurred in 2013. I had just received a […]
What has happened to my energy?
What has happened to my energy? Back in the day, I had so much get up and go. I had a 9 – 5 job, 3 young children, a garden to look after and numerous other responsibilities. From about 2005 the wheels began to come off the car. I gradually had less energy to fit […]
A UTI with advanced multiple sclerosis is no fun
It crept up on me very slowly, just think of a lion stalking its prey. Initially, I was blissfully unaware that I had an infection. Looking back with the benefit of hindsight I can see how I slowly deteriorated followed by a slow recovery. A urinary tract infection or UTI with advanced multiple sclerosis is […]
Now I’m comfortable in my skin
Multiple sclerosis affects everyone differently. My life was busy with work, family and a tiny wee bit of MS until medical retirement arrived. My MS started in 1972 but it was not diagnosed until 1996 with RRMS. MS made no impact on my life even after diagnosis, the relapses were very sporadic and disappeared as […]
With MS I now move like a tortoise slow but steady
As I move forward through time, ticking off the years, multiple sclerosis has an ever growing impact upon my life. Nowadays I must always have one hand holding onto something firm and stable. The happy days of nipping upstairs or popping next door are history. Now everything must be carefully considered. I now move like […]
Managing MS fatigue, an overwhelming inability to continue
Managing MS fatigue is a long story. As recently as 1995 I played badminton singles in the local sports centre, after just half an hour I was physically exhausted and very sweaty. I’ve now hung up my badminton racket, personally I blame multiple sclerosis,. I still suffer intense exhaustion but no sweating. Walking very slowly […]
Now I have twitchy legs at night
There are hidden joys of multiple sclerosis. Its one long story of new challenges and survival. My latest problem, twitchy legs, only surfaced recently. It’s an uncontrollable twitch, starting in a muscle but culminating with my leg definitely twitching and repeats itself again and again. For some reason the fun only starts after the sun […]
Hidden disabilities of my MS
My MS diagnosis was 25 years ago. Little relapses were always followed by a remission. I was working and leading a perfectly normal life or so it seemed to an outsider. In 2000 my remissions stopped. The anxiety, bladder and walking problems of MS became permanent and they also slowly got worse and worse. An […]
Some of my MS disabilities are invisible
Multiple sclerosis rules my life. Even when I think I am on the home run it will stick out a tentacle and trip me up. You too as well I guess. I have obvious disabilities such as walking, in fact I cannot walk unaided. Some of my MS disabilities are invisible. People will not know […]
My long journey with multiple sclerosis
This is the story of 45 years of my life living with multiple sclerosis as we both grew up. I did not piece the whole story together until I took medical retirement in 2012. My long journey with multiple sclerosis. My long journey with multiple sclerosis It all started in 1972 and I was almost […]
Detected definite changes since last year
It is extraordinary how one year rolls into the next at an ever increasing speed. At a quick glance I am exactly the same as 12 months ago. I’ve still got MS, who saw that one coming! I still ride The Trike and I’m still just as busy. Now scratch beneath the surface. I have […]
Call it advanced multiple sclerosis
Soon I’m going to be 64 so not quite as nimble as I was. Age doesn’t stop me having a social life. I go to the theatre and museums in London. Meet friends in one of the numerous coffee shops in our town. I go to the supermarket, buy the food and then cook dinner. […]
Over 30 degrees Celsius this summer
The summer of 1976, was so hot that I got a good suntan in Aberdeen. A student job, I was working outdoors every day. In Hertfordshire the temperature has frequently been over 30 degrees Celsius this summer. At times it’s been far too hot, stuffy and airless for my own comfort. Let me explain Don’t get […]
An invisible physical disability
Are you like me? I suffer from an invisible physical disability. Do these statements sound familiar? “Crikey I didn’t know you were disabled”. Or maybe someone said “You don’t look disabled”. Sometimes it’s even “You look healthy”, and then they deserve a slap. An invisible physical disability Millions of us in Briton have a hidden disability. […]
Some things I simply do not see
Vision is a bit of a mystery to me at times. Some things I can see perfectly well and some things I simply do not see. I know my vision is not 20/20 🙁 I always have to wear a pair of glasses, I even have special reading glasses. Some things I simply do not […]
I cannot do things I once took for granted
Everyone knows Multiple sclerosis is a horrible disease. Now I cannot do things I once took for granted, its the Multiple Sclerosis. Its taken a long time but I thinks it has finally got me. I get so frustrated. I cannot do things I once took for granted Am I wrong? I don’t think so. […]
A Short Video – Me and My SPMS
Below is a short video of me taken recently after a networking meeting. To watch the video click on the picture I know full well that after a diagnosis of MS you may well feel shell shocked, devastated, depressed or even as if the world around you has collapsed. Despite the diagnosis MS […]
Good Days and Bad Days
Its only started over the last few days. It’s a return to the old times of good days and bad days. What’s happened? I am still just as busy. I am still doing things that I enjoy. Some of the things I do even earn me a bit if money. One small thing has changed […]
An unwanted visitor
It all started at the back of my throat. It was just a tiny tickle at lunchtime. I honestly thought it was my imagination. It had gone away by the evening, hurray. Next morning, day two, it was a bit tricky to swallow but a couple of cups of tea sorted that one out. I […]
Stuck In My Throat
From a medical point of view the year 2014 has not been great. Too big to swallow Here is another incident, it started on Thursday 3rd July at 6.30 pm. Eating a meal before going to see a show at the Young Vic I tried to swallow a piece of lamb that was too big […]
My MS Fatigue, What Is It Like?
Fatigue is a common symptom of advanced multiple sclerosis. It does vary tremendously from person to person. Multiple sclerosis is not understood by far too many people. Find out more about my MS fatigue. How does my MS fatigue affect me? My MS fatigue, what is it like? An overwhelming inability to continue but there […]
Benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamin D and sunlight lead to so many benefits, it is the sunshine vitamin. Time in the sun makes you feel better but there are some MS sufferers who avoid the sun because an increase in body temperature is not a good idea. Get the benefits of Vitamin D by taking the capsules. Vitamin D […]
Feels like I’ve been mugged
Have you ever felt like you have lost a day? It feels like jet-lag, losing contact with time. No I was not hit over the head, nor have I flown to Hong Kong. Much more boring than that, I have had another taste of Uhthoff’s phenomenon. I’ve talked about it in the past but I’m […]
Emergency visit to Stoke Mandeville
2013 has not been a good year for me so far. This time an emergency trip to Stoke Mandeville hospital in the early hours of Wednesday morning, 20th Feb. So what happened to get me there? On Tuesday evening Barby and I went out for a curry with some friends. Just before we left the […]
Sleepless night
Friday night on 14 December 2012 was yet another sleepless night. I seem to have lost the knack of falling asleep. I managed to doze before finally dropping off at about 5 in the morning. When I woke up at about 9 I did not feel too awful, Barby said ‘stay in bed and get […]