My Quality Of Life
The quality of my life is very important. I have had a progressive physical condition since the 1970s but I am determined not to give in to it. I akways try to have a smile on my face. People prefer to see a happy person. Put it differently my glass is half full and NOT half empty
People say I am an optimist and never say die. Well that attitude has been a tremendous help to me.
Heads MS Wins or Tails I Lose

Heads MS wins or tails I lose. Its all on the toss of a coin? Life is unfair. Running, driving, dog walking, employment are just a few things my friend MS has won from me. It is exerting such a strong grip on my life. Nowadays I run out of energy more quickly than ever 🙁 […]
Its taken a long time to get going again

It’s took me a long time, a whole week to get going again after a short holiday. Here’s why. First excuse is Portugal Barby and I went to stay with University friends of mine. They have a house in the mountains near Monchique, Portugal behind the Algarve coast. Here are some of the memories: Freshly […]
The inevitable progress

Doing simple things thing seems to leave me feeling exhausted and no physical energy. Hole in my energy tank Why do I leak energy so easily? Any little job leaves me wanting to sit down Not only is it so tiring doing anything remotely active and now it takes me so much longer. I hear […]
The positives from MS

I was going to give this article the title of “What has MS stopped me doing?”. I don’t like that because it is so negative and basically I am a glass half full man so lets make this a positive post. Positive things What good things have happened to me over the last few years? […]
Quality of Life

Call it the general well-being of an individual. Quality of life is a barometer of the mind How much do you enjoy each day? Do you have a reason to get up in the mornings? Do you look forward to tomorrow or do you wonder how you are going to get through these moments? My […]
Sometimes I Feel So Fragile

Occasionally I do feel frail or delicate. Most of the time I’m as tough as old boots. Emotional stability When I feel fragile it does not take much to tip me over the edge. I can suddenly change from a robust healthy specimen to someone who is crying; yes I do cry and want a […]
Railway stations, access for disabled travellers

A friend alerted me to this article from the Independent. It describes how funding to improve access for disabled passengers at railway stations is being slashed. The United Kingdom considers itself to be a civilised country but so many train stations are not disabled friendly, they are inaccessible? I won’t paraphrase the article. Instead I […]
The glass is half full

I don’t read many blogs, maybe I should. A couple of months ago I wrote an article for the blog Stumbling in Flats, its one of the only ones I regularly read. I took a decision and decided to write something for it and it has just been published, the title is I think the […]
Sunny day in Winter

As usually happens in January there have been endless days when the sky has a uniform greyness. Blue sky and sunshine are a rare sight; sometimes the sky is clear at sunrise but within an hour or so grey cloud is present from horizon to horizon. Dreary weather goes on and on If you are […]
Do these help?

Being an MS sufferer is no joke, I should know. If you have MS there are so many items out there that can make your life easier. People seem to be so unaware of what is available. Here are some of my helpful tips to reduce the levels of stress in day-to-day life. Do these […]
She’s gone

My ability to get up and go, where has it gone? That’s something I used to take for granted. There is something I used tol take for granted – it is something called balance. The loss of it has a profound affect on everything I do. Do you know that walking is 80% balance? So […]
Thoughts on counselling

Here are a few of my thoughts on counselling. How you feel about yourself Remember MS is a progressive disease and counselling does not provide an instant cure. Therapy or counselling can give you a chance to adapt your coping strategy. It is a chance to talk and to change your mind-set. Change how you […]
Completing forms properly

I am disabled, I have advanced MS and I cannot work. Completing forms properly is essential if I am to receive any state benefit. PIP (Personal lndependence Payment) and Incapacity Work Benefit are forms for benefits I have had to complete. These forms are a nightmare, lots of difficult questions. They must be answered correctly […]
The Meerkat Approach

I’m sure you know this is a picture of a meerkat, – it’s that cheeky looking creature that lives in the South African deserts. It stands up on its hind legs and keeps a very careful eye on its surroundings. A group of meerkats is known as a clan or a mob. They are very […]