Disabled Persons Railcard.

Disabled person’s railcard
I receive full Mobility Allowance so I can receive a 33% discount on rail tickets. I use a Disabled Persons Railcard, it gives me, a disabled person, and one adult travelling with me, a third off train ticket price for UK trains.
Do you receive the full mobility allowance? If you do then you are eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard. Have you applied for one? It will entitle you and one adult to reduced rail fares.
Disabled Persons Railcard
It costs £20 per year. Sometimes there is an offer so it costs even less. This is the best twenty quid I have spent for a long time. This is an offer that I could not afford to ignore.
I have a very portable battery powered three wheeled mobility scooter, its called a Travelscoot. The mobility scooter only weighs 18 Kg. It is easy to put it on the train, I could do it myself then I had to ask other passengers who were only too happy to help me if I needed assistance. Now the staff have to put down the ramp and I drive it onto a train. I guess that is the price of a progressive disability
Tremendous savings
I have to go into London quite often, business, medical and social reasons .I can save the annual cost of the Railcard with just five return train tickets into London. The only disadvantages are that you must buy a ticket each time you travel and you cannot use it with season tickets.
So Easy to Apply
You can find out more information about a Disabled Persons Railcard, click HERE. Find out if you are eligible for a one of them, click HERE.. You receive your Railcard about 10 days after posting the application form.
Rail Card Trivia
- The Disabled Persons Railcard was introduced in 1981, it cost £5.
- The number of Railcards issued since then is more than 1 million.
- At the moment there are more than 116,000 Disabled Persons Railcard holders.
- In 2010 the average number of journeys made by a Disabled Railcard holder was 29 with an estimated saving of just under £100 on rail travel.
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Updated November 2020