Exciting news
I got up at 6.45 in the morning on Thursday 7th August. I had to go up to London, another infusion for the ASCEND trial; week 100. Almost eight hours later I walked back into the house.

Exciting news
The first thing, even before a cup of tea I always check my emails and there was one from MS Society Awards. Not really thinking I opened it, this is the first sentence.
Congratulations! We’re delighted to tell you that you’re a shortlisted finalist in the ‘Digital Media of the Year’ category at the MS Society Awards 2014 for your website www.aid4disabled.com
This was exciting news. I had to read it again to be quite sure about it. Gobsmacked! That emotion does not even begin to describe my feelings. When I submitted the application I quietly hoped I would get through to the finals but I had no real expectations.
The submission was in May, I think, and I had completely forgotten about it. It was just another task, prepare the information, send the email, job done and then forgotten. The ceremony, when the winner is announced, is on 6th October at the Radisson Blu Hotel,Portman Hotel in London. Posh end of Oxford Street, it’s by Portman Square.
Idea from MS Life 2014
Originally I wanted to put www.aid4disabled.com forward for the Hertfordshire small business awards but I felt that it would be a pointless exercise at this stage of the business. Someone mentioned these awards when I was at the MS Life 2014 exhibition in Manchester. I thought I might try that instead. In fact the MS Society Awards is a much better fit for the website than the Hertfordshire Small Business awards.
Would you believe it?
OK so I’m on the podium but the rest is totally out of my hands. Business and life will carry on as normal; well not quite. The awards are being presented on the same day that I had an opportunity to talk at Coventry University so that’s got to be rearranged. Life is like that; it’s not the first time that two opportunities have occurred on the same day.
I can take one guest, that’ll be Barby. Dress code, definitely won’t be jeans and a T shirt but I do have a bow tie and a dinner jacket. The suit was bought just after I got married and it still fits me, well almost. The invitation with all the details will be posted in the next few weeks.
I must put my chances of an award from the MS Society on hold. Better still, try to forget all about them. Nonetheless I am going to try and make capital out of it. If the Digital Media award makes the website more well-known and people more aware of multiple sclerosis then that is good news.
As they say, “Watch this space”.
Hi Patrick,
This is truly fantastic news and this accolade is richly deserved after all of the blood, sweat and tears in bringing your website into the market. Fantastic news and many congratulations – onwards and upwards :))
I will let you know what happens at the award ceremony. At the moment trying very hard not to think about it.
Talk soon,