Finally I think progress is being made

When will I see someone
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post expressing my frustration with trying to get Botox treatment for my bladder. If you missed the post and would like to read it then please click HERE. Yes, I was unbelievably frustrated. Overnight the hospital had shunted my appointment from the next day to March next year.
So my next appointment was now going to be in about 20 weeks’ time. I was stunned into silence.
Next step?
I have never had to play the system before. I was not certain of my next logical step. How should I bring my appointment further forward? The appointments team suggested phoning up regularly to find out if there are any cancelled appointments
No luck the first time I tried. The next time I called I was offered an appointment at the end of January but there was a big ‘IF’. If I accepted that appointment then I would only have one further chance to change my appointment again.
If I had cancel the second appointment I would need to start all over again because the hospital will discharge me. I then need another referral from my doctor. Start again, no thanks
Snakes and Ladders
I could see a game of Snakes and Ladders developing for the Botox treatment. I thought about this proposal for a few seconds and decided that this was a ladder.
By now ten days had passed since the original cancellation. My feeling of anger and frustration had completely subsided and now I was able to think rationally about the problem.
The ‘Uro Dynamics’ test showed that I am eligible to receive treatment with Botox. This appointment was nothing more than a tick-box exercise before receiving the treatment.
Final action
I decided to write a letter to my consultant, explain the problem and see what happened. I wrote a letter to her and posted it on Thursday 4th November.
On the following Monday my phone rang and it was my hospital consultant. She was very apologetic for what had happened to me. She agreed that the next appointment was a mere formality. She asked me if I wanted to go ahead with the Botox treatment!
Finally I think progress is being made
‘Yes please’. I then asked ‘How soon would it be until the treatment?’.
‘I think your appointment will be before Christmas’ she said
As I write this I have not received a date for the treatment. Maybe the process from start to finish might take less than 2 years. It will be a darn close run thing.
November 2016
I hope I’m not going to have the same problem with being seen for EFS, I saw my Consultant about 4 weeks ago and he was supposed to be referring me to Physio Services to be assessed for EFS. Not hear anything yet! On top of that my Health Authority dont fund EFS as a matter of right, You have to be assessed for your physical needs and it’s more than possible I’ll be turned down! John
Hello John,
The whole matter of FES is subject to the wretched post code lottery. I know the approach is changing from self funding to being funded because of the benefits. In CArdiff my soster in law was recently supplied with an FES because the approach had changed from self funding. There was no question of funding it at Queens Square in London. I suggest you pester the Physio servicees.
Without an I would be in a wheelchair. OK my walking is slow and I need a walking aid but it is essential to me to maintain my quality of life and independence.
Good luck. See if you can at least get a trial and find out if it helps.