I enjoy a spontaneous event during the lock down

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23 May 2019 I enjoy a spontaneous event. Something completely unplanned and it must make me feel happy During the lock down caused by Covid19 pandemic so many of these little life-events have stopped. I really was pleased to see the back of a few but there so many that I really miss. I enjoy a spontaneous event. It makes my life fun.
Its all so different now
These days I must take so much life-clutter with me that a spontaneous event away from home cannot happen. I blame the MS. It used to be so easy, all I needed was a toothbrush, book and a change of underwear. Do you remember those days?
Spontaneous conversations
Right now the only person who can be closer than two metres to me is The Wife. If I see an acquaintance in a queue then anything more than a brief “hello” is tricky. Now throw a face mask into the equation, it’s easier just to just to nod and move on. I live in a residential road and only venture more than 100 metres from the house about twice a week. Bumping into someone for an idle conversation is tricky, we’re all too busy isolating.
Four men make a crowd
A few days ago, I was leaving the house to take The Rollator for a short walk. Just as I was leaving the house I saw Mike, a neighbour. He crossed the road to me but stopped 6 feet away. “Thanks so much for the recommendation you gave me a couple of months ago. Angus did an excellent job” he said. “It’s so difficult to get hold of people for little jobs”.
“I know”, I replied. “Someone comes round your house. You explain what you want doing, they nod sagely make some notes and then say ‘I will be in touch’. That’s the last you hear or see of them”. We went on to talk about frustrations caused by this pandemic. His eldest daughter is supposed to be doing GCSE exams but they have been cancelled, what an anti climax.
Spontaneous event
Lawrence another neighbour who we both know comes outside to talk to his plants. Instead he joins us for a conversation, we end up having a man-talk about food shortages and supermarkets. Just as we start on alternative places to buy bread and flour Nick, a fourth friend, appears carrying his booty from the local bakery.
We all do social distancing
The four of us discuss how isolation seems more more relaxed. There are more cars on the road more shops seem to be open and getting some of the action. Nick asks if we buy food at local shops? Three of us shake our heads. I think we all felt a bit guilty, we all use the nearest supermarket.
That seemed to be the signal for the party to break up. We all went our different ways. While walking my Rollator I realised that the conversation had been a chance encounter. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was an unplanned moment and the conversation was very relevant. My last chance encounter was ‘pre-pandemic’. I need another spontaneous event.
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Thank you, good sir!
Hello Mal,
Thank you too. We are a few weeks behind you guys in the antipodes
Funny how small evens are making us feel happy. I had to go to the post office the other day as I had to return an item which was faulty. First time going to the shop in nine weeks and it felt like an adventure! Even had to ask someone whether I could just walk in or wait outside. Was told to wait for someone to come out and then go in. Fancy having to ask how to use a shop. LOL
Luckily someone came out even as we were speaking, so I was able to go straight in. Lucky I didn’t want any shopping though as I was too busy looking at the floor and following the arrows to look at the shelves. Job done I made my way out, only to see a group of 4 people coming through the door all together. Not much chance of social distancing it you needed to get past them as it is only a small village shop! Makes you wonder whether some people ever think of anyone else sometimes, doesn’t it?
Hello Sylvia,
Sounds like your visit the post office was a bit of an adventure. Yup the social distancing message certainly has been diluted over the last couple of weeks. I think if we all had to wear masks when we went outside that would make us a lot more aware. Something will happen to wake us up with shock.