I will always love my Travelscoot mobility scooter

Discovering Singapore on ‘The Trike’
I have owned a Travelscoot mobility scooter for ten years and it is still fun to ride. I have not seen another mobility scooter that is as versatile or manoeuvrable. As I cruise along the pavement, I see pedestrians eyeing up my scooter and they always look envious. Even after 10 years I still love my TravelScoot.
I cannot walk unaided
I stumble about the house using a 4 wheeled Walker. If I venture outdoors my walking speed is about 10 metres per minute and it must be on a level surface. So I can walk but it is painfully slow and not for very long either. If I want to go anywhere then I must use my mobility scooter.
Love my Travelscoot
When I saw a TravelScoot for the first time I just knew it was going to solve all my problems. At that magical moment The Wife was pushing me in a wheelchair. Eventually we caught up with the man on the TravelScoot. While The Wife got her breath back and I had admired this amazing mobility scooter we exchanged email addresses. The rest is history.
I can move myself around in a wheelchair but they are fickle things to manoeuvre manually. I do not have the necessary upper body strength to push both of us up slopes. Quite simply I have never felt comfortable or relaxed in a wheelchair.

My Travelscoot poses at home
League of its own
The TravelScoot has been carefully designed by someone who wants to incorporate so many useful features. It’s all the little things that convert it into something practical for the 21st-century. The red shopping caddy that is slung on the ‘A’ frame between the front and back wheels is indispensable. I find it very easy to access when riding the scooter. I can carry shopping in it or easily retrieve my man bag or even a jumper which I might need to use in the evening.
It’s a very simple matter to remove the seat, lower the handlebars and lift the Travelscoot into the back of our estate car. The Wife and I do this without giving it a moment’s thought. Folding it up only takes a minute or 2 and then it is amazingly easy to lift up using just one hand because the weight is evenly balanced.
Other obvious features
All basic maintenance can be done at a good bicycle repair shop. If you are feeling brave you can do it yourself, the American office has put together an excellent series of YouTube clips to show you how to do things, just click HERE. It is supplied with a set of Allen keys so the company expects you to do a lot of maintenance yourself.
It’s not all perfect
The front wheel is only 200 mm diameter so it struggles to mount a pavement kerb that is only 75 mm high and the small wheels also make for a bumpy ride. The lithium ion batteries are not cheap but they do seem to keep on going. The motor is surprisingly powerful but going up a slope drains the battery.
Love at first sight
My TravelScoot soon got a nickname, ‘The Trike’. It gives me independence and freedom. I can get onto it in the kitchen, go to wherever takes my fancy and I am not dependent upon anyone else. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that makes your world so much smaller, I love my TravelScoot because it eliminates this limitation.
Incidentally I have no financial involvement with Travelscoot.
For more information about Travelscoots click HERE
Associated articles
Reasons why I enjoy my Travelscoot
Getting air miles with my Travelscoot
August 2020
Hi Patrick, a lot of useful, interesting information today. A lot of food for thought !! I have been obsessed looking at ways to get a mobility scooter into my car without needing help for a while now. Your Travel Scoot may just be the answer. Thanks to you and others, Eileen Poulaud.
Hello Eileen,
I cannot lift the Travelscoot any more, I blame the MS
Any good on gravel?
Hello Pam,
Its not great on gravel. Anything with small wheels will struggle on that sort of surface
Hi Patrick
Just was looking through your web site referring to your scooter which is the same as mine to let you know I fitted a fishing bag under the seat of mine minus the stool it works a treat and has zip up compartments for security Hope your keeping well reminder I interview with New Bucks university.
Bye Rita
I bought the bigger front tyre and it was a gamechanger for me. I still love my TravelScoot but after nearly 9 years and progressing ms I have bought a 4wheel folding scooter to sit behind my front door . More stable, slightly heavier but nowhere near as much fun
Hello Sally,
I’ve got a bigger front tyre waiting to be installed. Maybe the time has arrived to use it. My TS goes back to Munich for some maintenance this week and I have hired a 4 wheeled ‘lightweight’ scooter (joke), a Kymco mini comfort at over 50 Kg. Sturdy yes, fun no.
Hi I have just obtained my Travelscoot and taken it on a very brief “maiden voyage”. I live on a bumpy country lane without pavements, so the steering was a bit erratic and a few rough edges did catch the thin front tyre and a patch of mud is definitely a Nono.
I chose this scooter mainly for it’s foldability, weight, fun looks
and ability to get it into the car + 2 dogs!
Have you got your wider front tyre and do you find it an improvement over firm grass and rougher surfaces?
Hello Larraine,
The wider front tyre does make the steering over rough terrain easier, even on bad pavements it helps. Do be careful that you don’t tip over, it is designed to be used in town. The wheel base is not wide and it does have a high centre of gravity. Also it is not too keen on wet grass, Mud is a definite no-no. There is a a seat with suspension available but I have not tried it.
I agree it is fun to ride, its got a sort of wow factor plus foldability and weight are a genuine bonus.
To me the big plus is that you do not feel disabled when using it, I am unable to walk unaided. Indoors I use a rollator and cannot walk much further than 500 metres and that takes me 1/2 an hour
Are you using the old model with belt? Mine is already 11yrs old (bought in 2009).
Just wondering how comfortable the seat is. Lost my current scooter to a wrong way driver last week that took out our horse trailer with the scooter in the tack area. I wondering how easy it is to fold up also for when I travel by air. I saw one in the airport last summer and had decided to look in to them when I needed a new scooter. I had a 3 wheel that worked well for me so keeping it upright is not a concern for me at this time. Thanks for any input you can share. Love your sight, it has been very helpful;
Hello Kelly,
I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your scooter in the horse trailer, hope you get the money back on insurance.
There is absolutely no need to fold up the TravelScoot when travelling by air. I ride mine to the aeroplane, it is then stored in brought out for me to use at the destination. I think the easiest thing is to read the attachment from TravelScoot https://www.travelscoot.com/air-travel-with-an-electric-mobility-scooter/. If by any chance it is damaged and that is very unlikely then the airline will cough up for a complete replacement.
Good luck
I also love my Travelscoot called Sheila because the first one we saw was being ridden by an Australian lady who just loved fiĺling us in with all the details. As for problems 1 the seat backrest is difficult to fit and remove, the battery velcro straps get in the way whilst putting the battery in place especially for me who finds it impossible to coopy down! The front wheel needs to be the bigger one, If I try to turn left on an incline the wheel lifts and we all go straight on! I called the British agent to order a large fork and wheel, he was not interested in supplying parts, told me to contact the manufacturer. This I did by e.mail, I am still to hear from them a year later. I did once change my mind crossing the road, reversed, slammed into the kerb backwards with me looking at the sky and the front wheel spinning.
For all the above I still love and use my Travelscoot all the time.
All the Best, Peter.
Hi Patrick
Is the Travel Scoot stable, it looks a bit unstable with the small single front wheel
Have you ever fallen off?
I have a di blasé and had a very nasty tip up using it nd have not got on it again !
I assume it is only useful on fairly even surfaces and not country lanes
Hello Tessa,
By definition any mobility scooter is going to be unstable, 3 wheels and a high centre of gravity will always affect stability. The size of the front wheel is not affect the stability. It affects the ability to mount a kerb etc.
Yes I have fallen off but it has always been my fault. Inevitably it is caused when going round a corner a bit too fast and there is an adverse camber. By that I mean camber that is forcing you out of the corner rather than into the corner.
Ideally the scooters should be used in supermarkets, shopping malls and pavements. I would never use it on a country road or lane.
I’m sorry to hear about your accident on a Di Blasé. Be brave and use it again but just be sensible
I love mine too. It’s given me so much independence. I changed the front wheel for the thicker tyre. I think it’s a fairly new addition. So much better for slopes and mounting pavements.
Hello Amy,
My front tire is reaching the end of its useful life so I think I will replace it with a wider one, your advice has been a big help.
My TravelScoot has certainly been life changing especially as my mobility deteriorates. Just about to nip after the other end of town to pick up some bread from the bakers.