Lithium-Ion Battery

Typical Lithium Ion battery for a laptop
A Lithium Ion battery is not heavy. The Lithium Ion battery for a Travelscoot weighs under 2 kg and you can travel about 10 miles on one charge. More good news, the Li-Ion battery has no “memory effect”, simply charge it up as and when necessary. Similar batteries exist in your computer, mobile phone and on lightweight mobility scooters.
Important thing points to remember
- Don’t continue use the Li-Ion battery until its totally out of charge, not possible with the Travelscoot version.
- If you do have two batteries then use both alternately. Do not put the unused battery into storage. If left in storage unused for too long it dies and is of no use.
- Use the battery at least once a month and then recharge it fully.
- Travelscoot have assured me that leaving the battery permanently on charge is not good enough.
Lithium Ion battery
It is a very popular for portable electronic devices with a high energy density and a very small memory effect. This means you can leave it being recharged with doing any damage. A Li-Ion battery is much lighter than a Lead Acid type seen on so many mobility scooters. So the new light weight battery is becoming more and more popular.
Li-Ion battery life
Did you know that the lifespan of a lithium-ion battery is limited from its date of manufacture? To put it bluntly, your lithium-ion battery starts dying the moment it leaves the factory! It has a life of 3 years or more but that will depend upon how well its looked after and on the use. The Travelscoot batteries can be fully recharged approximately 1000 times
Death of a Li-Ion battery
Do not allow the Lithium-Ion battery to become completely flat. If the Lithium-Ion battery is fully discharged then the battery can be irreversibly and permanently damaged. The Travelscoot ones do not fully discharge.
How far on a Travelscoot
- A Travelscoot will travel 5 Km when the green, amber and red lights are showing.
- It will do another 5Km when only the amber and red lights are showing.
- It will do a further 7 Km when only the red light is showing.
This assumes a 110 Kg weight on a flat even surface. After 7 km with only the red light I assume the battery has no more available energy. Note it does not fully discharge.
Don’t forget to recharge the battery if it has had significant use. It is constantly discharging or losing energy. If the battery has hardly been used then you don’t need to recharge it.
Don’t let the battery get too hot or too cold, keep it between 5C and 45C. All things being equal you should get about 3 years of life from the battery.
Spare battery
Don’t buy a spare battery when you buy a Travelscoot. It is better to buy one a year or so after buying the scooter. You do not want both of them to die simultaneously.
Look after your battery properly and its life will be extended considerably. Do try not to drop it. It is an expensive item to buy so do give it the care and attention it deserves.
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I bought my travel scooter in June,a year ago the battery doesn’t charge any more it lasts for 10 months only
Is there any chance to be fixed ?
If not where can I buy a new one.
I Iive in Mexico City
Hello Patricia
Did you buy it 2nd hand? A new one should do about 1000 charges from empty to full, mine last 3 – 4 years. They cannot be fixed, suggest you complain to the vendor. They do degrade over a long period of time (several years) even if not used and charged so use and charge the battery once a month.
Do not think battery can be fixed but you never know. Can you buy a replacement one trough the American office Goto and then scroll down to see where you an buy one. There is no office in Mexico.
I must admit that I have answered “dry cell” when I am asked on numerous occasions about the type of battery in my mobility scooter at airports. I always got the impression that if a lithium-ion battery is mentioned sirens would sound and I would be escorted from the airport! This is despite phoning the scooter’s manufacturer (Pride Quest) to request a safety certificate. I think this attitude will change one day – when the airlines catch up with scooters used.
Hello Laura,
People are a bit fuzzy when asked the maximum power for a Lithium Ion Battery on an aeroplane. Best bet is to check with the airline. This article might help but do not take it as gospel. The only cast iron rule is that it must go into the plane with you as hand luggage. Usually the important information is on the battery somewhere but not too sure how it all works out.
Where can i buy a travelscoot battery in Adelaide.Please.
Hello Gregory,
Contact the Travelscoot Australian office,
Here are the details.
Travelscoot Australia Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 1194, Rozelle, NSW 2039, Australia.
Telephone 1-800-953132
Do you supply. A lithium rechargeable 24 volt battery to fit a Pride Quest mobility scooter if so what is the price delivered
Sorry I cannot help you there.
where can I buy a trevelscoot battery
You must contact Travelscoot. Best to phone up on 00-49-89-57951906. They are closed between 23/12/1 to 0701/18
If disabled then tell them otherwise VAT @ 20% added
How much does a new Lithium battery for my Travelscoot cost? In UK currency if possible
You will need to contact Travelscoot directly. They are based in Germany. Best thing is to ring them up 00-49-89-5795-1906 in the morning. If you are disabled tell them cos prices are +VAT so that stops 20% being added to the price. Pay for it by plastic over the phone.
Incidentally they are not cheap so be prepared
I cannot use a new battery on an older bike the connection is different how can i change this help
Hello Peter,
Contact Travelscoot and explain problem. They have converters. Here is their phone number +44 49-89-57951906 Email TravelScoot European Union. contact best in the morning. Europe 1 hour ahead, Germans start work at 8 am
I received his email with regard to Lithium IomBatteries when caried on Easyjet planes. The policy does seem to vary from airlline to airline. This is the ?Easyjet response
Date: 19 June 2016 at 7:15:11 pm BST
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: easyJet Special Assistance Team [[ Reference ID: 113173019 ]]
Dear Peter
Thank you for contacting easyJet Special Assistance Team and for letting us know about your wheelchair details.
In what concerns to your query about about wheelchairs with lithium batteries:
• the battery can remain attached to the wheelchair provided that it is secure;
• the terminals do not need to be disconnected if they are already inside a cell case or isolated (to avoid any short circuits);
• the motor must be disengaged (we recommend the ‘AirSafe’ plug – this can easily be fitted to disengage the motor of most powered wheelchairs)
The preferred easyJet solution is that the battery remains attached.
Normally is not required to remove the batterie, but if this is the case make sure that:
• it is carried by you in the cabin;
• it is protected from short circuits via insulation of exposed terminals;
• it must be placed into a protective pouch;
• it must not exceed 300 Wh.
I hope this as cleared things up for you.
Shall you need any more information do not hesitate in contacting us.
Kind regards