MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition

MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition
Over the weekend 17/18 September the MS Society held its biennial exhibition, The MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition
MS Society MSLIFE2016 Exhibition
I went there on the first day and arrived at about 12.30. There was expectation and excitement from the moment I walked into the exhibition as well as a noisy atmosphere. During the day I met people who I only communicate with through social media. I met a couple of people face to face who I follow through Twitter. It is so good to put a face to a name.
I also met people who I know already, both visitors and exhibitors.
There is a drawback to getting there when the show opens. The boards where people with MS write up their own comments were all blank. I find this daunting and it stops me from adding my own thoughts. I am terribly conscious of my clumsy writing, thank you MS.
Getting there
The journey each way took me 2 ½ hours using public transport. Getting into London was the easy part, the journey from Euston to Excel using the Underground and DLR took a lot longer than expected and was tiring.
London is a big city and it is very easy to underestimate how long journeys are going to take using public transport. It is even harder for me because I use a mobility scooter so I can only use underground stations where there are lifts. Too many transport problems and hassle.
Odstock had a stand there exhibiting the FES. I was amazed at the number of people who were talking to the staff. Were these all people who need an FES because of foot drop? If so then the consultants need to be doing a lot more referrals.
I picked up a 9 hole peg test board from the Barts MS team. Also good to see the MS Brain Health, Canine partners, Canbex, Queens Square and MS Trust to name a few exhibitors.
Some criticsms
The exhibition hall is like a barn, amplified noise coming from everywhere. It was very tiring. I understand why the location was selected for 2016 but please return it to Manchester next time. I thought the food was unexciting and expensive. Could there have been a few places where plain water was freely available?
A big board with the times of talks in each zone and the MS Life Theatre in the MS hub would have been an excellent idea. I wanted to go to Spoon Fed but it was too late.
I would like to have seen exhibitors for lightweight mobility scooters. How about inviting people who sell items that can improve the quality of life? Maybe invite OXO kitchen ware. Coloplast are not the only catheter manufacturers, where were the others?
To conclude
I really enjoyed the exhibition lots of space and a great atmosphere but too noisy. I wish I could have gone on both days to get the most out of it.
September 2016
transport problems, met people, noisy atmosphere, Odstock, biennial exhibition
Hi Patrick, How far can you walk without the FES? I’m now struggling to manage more than 20 metres before my feet start to drag on the ground! John
ello John,
I managed to walk a kilometre only a few weeks ago. A FES will stimulate the muscles to help you to walk and also make you feel more balanced. If your leg muscles get tired and walking is an issue I urge you to get a referral for a FES. It will not help you to walk faster but it will certainly make walking a reality.
Put it this way if I did not have a FES I then I suspect I would be in a wheel chair at home for over half the day.
Tell me how it goes