My MS Fatigue, What Is It Like?
Fatigue is a common symptom of advanced multiple sclerosis. It does vary tremendously from person to person. Multiple sclerosis is not understood by far too many people. Find out more about my MS fatigue. How does my MS fatigue affect me?

MS Fatigue, zonked, it just happens
My MS fatigue, what is it like?
An overwhelming inability to continue but there is no obvious cause. Do you think this sums up MS Fatigue?
The runner will feel physically exhausted at the end of the race. The mental capacity is still good, still has co-ordination and recovery is usually fairly quick.
I have advanced MS and I suffer fatigue. Let me tell what mine is like. Standing on my feet is a killer. If I am using a rollator life is easier but that does not stop the fatigue. When standing life is always easier if I can find something to against.
My fatigue

MS fatigue, like running into a brick wall
Physically I feel the fatigue in my thighs but I’m not out of breath. In fact I cannot remember the last time I was out of breath because of physical exercise. As well as my thigh muscles giving me problems, moving my legs in a coordinated way does not happen. My problem with double vision is even more pronounced.
As well as being physically fatigued my brain is befuddled, I’m unable to think clearly, quickly or logically.
It’s the befuddled brain that is worrying
I want to continue with whatever I am doing, I know I have done too much but I have got to keep going, not give up. I plough on until Barby hears me struggling and she tells me to sit down. Then I reply ‘I’m OK’ in a weary way but in my heart of hearts I know that I have pushed myself far enough so I do sit down.
One lesson, you must always be able to to ask for help
Does not take much
One day I had done nothing special. I’ve been on my feet making a quiche, washing up and doing all sorts of odds and ends in the kitchen. That took just over an hour and before that I had done the day’s shopping using my Travelscoot. Suddenly the fatigue sets in and befuddled brain takes over, suddenly everything was an enormous effort.
I saw sense, sat down and snoozed. An hour later the MS brain fog has completely disappeared but hand-eye coordination was a joke, still seeing two of everything and thigh muscles ached. I did manage to water the plants in the green house, some were about to expire. The achy legs and double vision went away a few hours later but I had been sitting down nearly all the time.
Nobody knows why
For some fatigue is not an issue, For other people it can change their whole way of life. I’m lucky, a little sit-down, quick snooze and I’m ready to go even if I’m not running smoothly.
I know what causes my fatigue, for some people it just happens; suddenly they feel as if they are enveloped by a thick fog. Even more frightening, nobody knows what causes MS fatigue.
A little bit of help
Here is the MS Trust description of fatigue One tip, always have mobile numbers of people you know and who you know will help on your phone in case of emergency.
June 2014
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