Our garden creates positive moments for us

Foxglove from our garden
28 May 2020. Every cloud has a silver lining. Our garden creates positive moments for us. Since early March there has been an enormous cloud hanging over this country. This cloud forced our little niche business to close. The Wife is responsible for looking after up to half a dozen dogs each day while the owners go to work or play a round of golf.
Lock down suddenly arrives
In the space of a week all the owners realised that doggy day care was no longer required. No dogs in the house left a huge hole in our lives. Their owners are now working from home and the children do not go to school. The dogs are happy at their own home but I’m sure they miss doggy day care with their friends.
No dogs
No dogs means there are no turds upon the Astroturf. Sadly, it also means no income but we are not alone. There were other changes as well. The soggy winter suddenly changed to a glorious sunny spring. Now we see our garden through different eyes. No longer a yard for the dogs to chase each other instead a place to create positive moments.
Our garden changed
Now we use our tiny wee garden as a sanctuary to grow plants and enjoy the flowers. It’s a place for us to create our own positive moments. There is a south facing brick wall that the plants love. The wisteria resembled a delicate bubbling purple waterfall cascading down from the top of the wall into our garden. The yellow and red petals from the honeysuckle are now scattered on the patio and raised flower bed. As the sun moves across the sky there is always a part of the garden basking in the sunshine.

Iris in the evening light
An oasis during the lock down
I can hear the joyful sound of 6 year old twins playing in their garden next door or watch the birds feeding from the bird-feeder. Every morning I talk to the plants. Every day there is something different to catch the eye. The flowers of the spring clematis have been replaced by the wisteria and soon the roses will be in bloom.
Positive moments
Just a few days ago a trusty dahlia poked its first tender shoots through the soil. I sowed Corn flower seeds at the end of March. Soon we are going to plant out the seedlings into a flowerbed. I can’t wait for them to burst into flower. Parsley and lettuces look very promising. This weekend I will be sowing spring onions and radishes. The Wife wants some Phlox so my next job is to sow the seeds. Already I’m looking forward to seeing the nectar loving insects that will be attracted to the flowers
Last night
The sun was setting when I looked through a kitchen window. The bright evening light shone through the petals of the bearded purple iris. In the midday sun the flower looks quite different. Then I realised that life must go on even though the pandemic has turned so much upside down and inside out.
Building positives
Yes we have lost our lovely dogs, each one a unique character, hopefully it will be a temporary absence. Meanwhile our love for the garden has a chance to grow and flourish. Now our garden creates unique positive moments. Pure magic watching the plants grow, blossom and die back to make way for more radiant colours
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May 2020
I enjoy your blogs. Thank you for them. I’ve had MS for 40 years so share some of your journey.
This reflection on the joy of your garden is lovely. I too am appreciating the flowers and insect life in my garden. As you say, it is a place to grow positive moments.
Living with MS can be tough. But finding joy in nature’s wonders is helpful.
Hi Katie,
Lovely to hear from you. It has been many years since I derived so much joy from the garden.
You’re quite right living with MS is not easy. I struggle to find things that I know I can do without anyone else’s help, sitting down gardening is one of them