Reunited With My Scooter
Man is reunited with his lifeline scooter
A father has credited the power of social media with helping to reunite him with his ‘lifeline’ mobility scooter after it was was snatched by thieves.

Patrick is pleased to be reunited with his disability scooter
Patrick Burke’s three-wheeled scooter vanished from outside Berkhamsted’s Quaker House last Tuesday evening (9 June 2015) – but thanks to his daughter raising awareness via Facebook and Twitter he got the mobility aid back just two days later.
“Its not often that you have what is a fairly nasty story ending up with a happy ending.” he said.
“My daughter hit all the Berkhamsted Facebook sites and the word spread.”
Two young men who had seen the scooter dumped into brambles near Butts Meadow in the town came forward and one of them returned it to Patrick at his home in Cowper Road.

The article in the Berkhamsted and Tring Gazette
Patrick who suffers from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis said “It is my lifeline”
“I came out of the Quaker House and looked and it was not there. I was a cross between angry and upset – upset because it had gone and angry because some thoughtless idiot had taken it”.
“That evening my wife and a friend had searched the car parks thinking it had probably been abandoned”.
“I thought it must have been stolen to order”.
This is a copy of the article that appeared in the Berkhamsted and Tring Gazette on 17 June 2015.
On a more somber note
Recently a elderly woman in Hemel Hempstead had both her disability scooters stolen from her garage, one of them was brand new. As well as the scooters all the sundry equipment was stolen as well. Theft is a crime but stealing 2 mobility scooters, one of which was brand new, from an elderly woman suffering from arthritis, is probably as low as you can get.
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