Mobility scooter needs a bus permit

In late July 2017 I was getting onto a bus at High Wycombe with my mobility scooter. The Arriva bus driver said “The mobility scooter needs a bus permit. Can I see it” Arriva are responsible for running all the buses in the towns close to where I live. I have to use the buses […]
Understand MS fatigue, logic can fly out of the window

For many people fatigue is an unenviable part of multiple sclerosis, its severity varies from person to person. People do not truly understand MS fatigue unless they suffer from it. The cause of this hidden disability is not properly understood. Worse still, too many people do not appreciate that fatigue is a chronic hidden disability. […]
My positive attitude despite MS disability

Isn’t it great when a positive event happens, I love it. The wretched pandemic has imposed so many restrictions on everyone’s life, mine has been no exception. It’s not always easy to see when there is an opportunity that is exciting and fun. I always try to have a positive attitude despite MS disability. Gardening […]
Discounted theatre tickets for disabled people

Almost every British theatre offers discounted tickets for disabled people. Basically the carer gets in for free. I have seen excellent productions as well as extremely good actors via this scheme. This opportunity of discounted tickets for disabled people is available all over the UK. If you can show that you are disabled then your […]
Multiple sclerosis and the double whammy

Multiple sclerosis has taken over my life very very slowly. That sounds so much better than ruining my life very very slowly. It all started in 1972 and remained in the shadows for thirty years. The disease is now grown up, it’s matured into SPMS. For every disability there is a consequence. I call this […]
Luton Central railway station

Luton is a large town in Bedfordshire with a population of over 210,000. Luton Central railway station is busy with five platforms and about 12 trains an hour stopping there. Lots of London commuters use Luton Central railway station. Just recently I visited the Luton campus of Bedfordshire University to give a talk to 2nd […]
Some of my MS disabilities are invisible
Multiple sclerosis rules my life. Even when I think I am on the home run it will stick out a tentacle and trip me up. You too as well I guess. I have obvious disabilities such as walking, in fact I cannot walk unaided. Some of my MS disabilities are invisible. People will not know […]
My first job interview since 2012

Recently I received an email from a charity that wanted to interview me for a zero hour contract position. I have advanced multiple sclerosis and I cannot walk unaided which I disclosed on the application form. This was going to be my first job interview since 2012. My MS blew the last one in 2012 […]
I am physically disabled but I still travel

When I was working I travelled all over the world then medical retirement kicked me in the groin. Life as I knew it suddenly changed. Occasionally I still get the urge to travel, this time me and MrsB went to Australia. I am physically disabled but I still travel. Cut the stress I have just […]
MS for over 70 percent of my life

I am 63, born in 1954. I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for 45 years, that’s a scary thought. It started in 1972 but I was not diagnosed until 1995. It morphed to secondary progressive or advanced MS in about 2000. I took medical retirement in 2012. I have had MS for over 70 percent of […]
Does my disability make me worth less?

So Christmas is done and dusted for another year. Decorations have been taken down and put in the loft. The Boy Scouts have collected the tree and recycled it. We’ve even managed to empty the fridge. Now wouldn’t it be lovely if I could just pack up my MS and store that in the loft […]
Disabled access is not a tick box exercise

Access and facilities for physically disabled people are needed today and why ever not? It would be so unreasonable in this day and age to exclude the physically disabled from our activities. From my experience disabled access is turning into a tick box exercise. Remember disabled access is not a tick box exercise. Disabled access […]
FCAROLYN silk eye patch

Double vision is a huge hidden disability for me. In April 2015 it reached a critical point. My optician could no longer correct the problem using prisms in my glasses. I then discovered the FCAROLYN Eye Patch. The FCAROLYN silk eye patch is such a good solution for double vision. FCAROLYN silk eye patch It […]
An invisible physical disability

Are you like me? I suffer from an invisible physical disability. Do these statements sound familiar? “Crikey I didn’t know you were disabled”. Or maybe someone said “You don’t look disabled”. Sometimes it’s even “You look healthy”, and then they deserve a slap. An invisible physical disability Millions of us in Briton have a hidden disability. […]
Berkhamsted station is step-free

At long last the lifts at Berkhamsted station are working. It is a step free station.. The lifts were opened to the public on Friday 13 March. It has been an awfully long wait. They started the building work in early 2014 and it was finished by January 2015. People had been seen going up and […]