A short visit to Woburn Centre Parcs

I last visited Centre Parcs when all 3 of our children were under 10, over thirty years ago. My diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was at least 10 years into the future. Now our two daughters are married, and each has a baby son and I am living with advanced multiple sclerosis. A visit to Centre […]
I am disabled but am I green enough?

I suffer from advanced multiple sclerosis so I am disabled. I am disabled but am I green enough? Can I balance my disability with being an ecological friendly person? Sometimes I can and I do make planet-friendly choices but there are many other areas that are a total car-crash. In the latter case I have […]
Simple things I now need to understand

A few years ago I kidded myself that I could still do the things just like I did in the noughties. Simple things I now need to understand. “Don’t worry, I can do it” I shouted enthusiastically as I was starting jobs like cooking supper. It would all begin swimmingly. Suddenly, out of the blue, […]
Disabled man sees Iolanthe at the Coliseum

MrsB and I went up to London to see Iolanthe, a Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta performed by the English National Opera (ENO). It was a fantastic performance, bit frothy but we both enjoyed it. You’re probably thinking that we are rolling in money and with rather aristocratic tastes. Nothing could be further from the truth. […]
Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday

I recently had a week away on a Tall Ship Boat Sailing Holiday. It was an exciting experience, truly memorable. Organised by the Jubilee Sailing Trust the boat, called the Lord Nelson, is designed and built for people with a physical disability. There were 50 people on board, including the regular crew, varying in age […]