Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes

Every morning its four sticky FES electrodes. I must put them on my left leg. Two go onto my thigh and two go just below the knee. I started using the FES two years ago in December 2014. I estimate that I have taken the sticky electrodes off about 720 times and put them back […]
Sticky electrodes and my FES

I started using a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in January 2014. It has been my game changer. Without the sticky electrodes and my FES I would probably have to use a wheelchair around the house. Hold on a moment, I would definitely have to use a wheelchair. Instead I have a different life. Sticky electrodes and my […]
The FES has been a life changer

An FES was originally fitted over 18 months ago to help my footdrop. There is no doubt the FES has been a life changer. It makes me feel more confident, I have better balance and a definite ‘I-can-do’ feeling. OK so I still need to use a rollator. The FES has been a life changer At […]
Life without a FES would be unthinkable

I have SPMS and seriously disabled with foot drop. I was fitted with a Functional Electrical Stimulator (FES) in December 2014. A consultant from Queens Square, London suggested that it would help my walking. At first I found it very fiddly to setup and this did not inspire me with confidence. Within a few days […]