Mobile phone
Another way to dry my phone

I dropped my mobile phone down the loo, accidentally of course 🙂 . To be more precise it fell out of my back jeans pocket and sank beneath the surface; a trail of bubbles gave its position away. I fished it out, gave it a quick dry with a towel and then put it into […]
Universal Holder For A Smartphone

Almost all of us are addicted to or owner of a smart phones I find the Google Maps utility very useful especially when going to places in London on The Trike. It is very easy to attach the Universal Holder for a Smartphone to a Travelscoot and now it is indispensable. Addicted, no, I just love some gadgets. […]
A Very Wet Phone and 5 Rules to Dry it

Does your mobile phone float? Mine fell into the loo. I had a very wet phone. A very wet phone and 5 rules to dry it. Let’s start at the beginning I’m a bloke and I keep my phone in the breast pocket of my shirt. If I bend over at the waist I will fall […]