Weak core muscles so I use a wobble cushion
My core muscles are weak, its something I only noticed a few weeks ago, Getting out of bed has not been easy for several years, its to do with getting older and my MS. Just recently it has suddenly turned into a terrible struggle. I’ve got enough problems already without worrying about new ones. Now […]
My exercise routine at home that ticks a lot of boxes

7 June 2020 I am proud of myself. Bit of an arrogant statement but what the hell. Every day always starts with a quick burst of aerobic activity. Enough to get my heart beating faster. Remember I’m badly disabled by multiple sclerosis, I cannot walk unaided. Is this exercise routine at home good for me? […]
Going back to Pilates

I have missed my last four Pilates’ sessions. They are on a Friday morning but I have been away. Going back to Pilates was a bit like going back to school after the Easter or Christmas break. Going back to Pilates Don’t get me wrong I enjoy Pilates. It helps me with the biggest problems […]