Poor balance and mobility makes walking difficult

I have poor balance and mobility so I use a mobility scooter. I remember in 2012 when medical retirement arrived I could easily lift my mobility scooter onto a train and I did not need a walking stick either. Those were carefree days, now long gone. Nobody told me how my life would change in […]
A short visit to Woburn Centre Parcs

I last visited Centre Parcs when all 3 of our children were under 10, over thirty years ago. My diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was at least 10 years into the future. Now our two daughters are married, and each has a baby son and I am living with advanced multiple sclerosis. A visit to Centre […]
I’m a lucky guy Fampridine works for me

I take Fampridine and use an FES or Functional Electrical Stimulator, they both improve my quality of life. I can only walk with a rollator and it is agonisingly slow. Without them I would have to use a wheelchair. OK. my left leg is useless courtesy MS but I do have an excellent right leg. […]
The day I walk for one hour

Its a wonderful September day. Warm enough to wear shorts but not so hot to become a shade seeking missile. Three months of preparation and I had one hour to prove that I could do it. Yup, Sunday 13th September was the day when I was going to walk for one hour and you had […]
I’m planning a sponsored walk #Walk4onehour

Lockdown and my world is changing. Still no one knows anything about the future. I knew I had to get out of the house and take some exercise to maintain my mental health plus I needed a goal. A sponsored walk. Perhaps I could organise it and do it, this would tick so many boxes. […]
Topro Troja Rollator

The Topro Troja Rollator is a robust and reliable 4 wheeled walker. It is recommended to many multiple sclerosis sufferers who do not find walking easy and have poor balance. I have advanced MS and suffer from both these problems. I love this rollator because it is well designed, light as well as robust. Also […]
I must ensure exercises become a routine activity

18 April 2020. The coronavirus lock down started at the end of March. Our lives were then thrown into chaos. Everyone had to find a new routine, a new rhythm and this includes me. I made a simple promise to myself. I need to take more exercise and I must ensure the exercises become a […]
Is physical exercise good for me

I believe that exercise is good for me and essential to having a good quality of life even despIte suffering from aDVANCED ms MS. It is an excellent activity to re-connect the mind and body before or after a long day of stress. My MS stops aerobic exercise, getting all hot and sweaty. Even just […]
Multiple sclerosis is a vile disease

MS smothers you, wraps you up in its tentacles and replaces energy with fatigue. I can no longer do things that other people take completely for granted. Even worse there is nothing predictable about it except it just gets worse and worse and worse. It can even lurk in the body for years before its […]
I have discovered sitting-down gardening

Another change because of MS. Time to discover a different way to garden. Now it is now ‘plastic-lined’ boxes type of gardening. No more digging holes with a spade or bending over to pull up weeds. I have discovered sitting-down gardening. Perhaps it found me, who knows? Childhood My father introduced me to gardening when […]
Multiple sclerosis is a funny old disease

Multiple sclerosis is a funny old disease. No it is definitely not funny ha ha. Trying to get my head around continual progression ain’t easy. There are always changes and it catches me out. I just get the hang of what’s happening then there is a bit more progression. Multiple sclerosis is a funny old […]
Sometimes I cannot get out of first gear

We can all have good days and bad days. People with Multiple Sclerosis seem to have more bad days than good days. Just at the moment I’m not sleeping well. During the day sometimes I cannot get out of first gear. It is sooooo frustrating. It is an invisible symptom. Just at the moment I’m […]
Who knows where the time goes?

Back in the day I used to get up just after 7, help my wife get the children up, have breakfast and be at work by 9. Nowadays I get up by 8.30 and I’m not downstairs eating breakfast until 9.30. That was all 20 years ago Who knows where the time goes? It’s not […]
I Need A Two Wheeled Walking Frame

I have come to the conclusion that I need a Two Wheeled Walking Frame. Coming to this conclusion did not make me feel happy. Would a zimmerframe mean that I would be less likely to fall over? Am I a step closer to always needing to use a wheelchair? Is this another tipping point on my journey […]
I cannot do things I once took for granted

Everyone knows Multiple sclerosis is a horrible disease. Now I cannot do things I once took for granted, its the Multiple Sclerosis. Its taken a long time but I thinks it has finally got me. I get so frustrated. I cannot do things I once took for granted Am I wrong? I don’t think so. […]
Heads MS Wins or Tails I Lose

Heads MS wins or tails I lose. Its all on the toss of a coin? Life is unfair. Running, driving, dog walking, employment are just a few things my friend MS has won from me. It is exerting such a strong grip on my life. Nowadays I run out of energy more quickly than ever 🙁 […]
Tale of two different rollators

A rollator is an aid that helps with walking. They help me with my balance and to walk upright. A rollator provides the support. It will have a seat to sit on when tired, brakes and a basket to carry items They are all lightweight, the frame is robust, the brakes can be adjusted and should […]
Aidapt Aluminium Rollator Walking Aid

The Aidapt Aluminium Rollator Walking Aid is a affordable and reliable. It has four wheels so this gives it very good stability. This lightweight rollator is ideal for daily use. It provides stability for those with a balance problem and it helps with mobility. It has a strong aluminium frame as well as a strong […]
Selecting a rollator

I have been going to the Chiltern Multiple Sclerosis Centre in Wendover, Bucks since 1997. All the rollators there that people use are Topro Its a fact of life A couple of years ago in 2009 Louise Wakelam, Head of Professional services, suggested that I buy a rollator as a walking aid. I had developed […]