Restless legs are awful

Restless legs are incredibly frustrating and painful. So, you do not suffer from this problem, then you are lucky. It is a difficult sensation to describe. It affects the whole of my lower legs and feet but only when I go to bed in the evening. It is a classic hidden disability. I don’t know […]
My own cannabis experiment

I’ve had MS since 1972 and it has had a huge impact on life. It now affects me in every which way. The wonderful NHS prescribes drugs that will ease my symptoms so every day I have to take a cocktail of pills. Time to look at other solutions. I decided to do my own cannabis experiment. […]
A UTI with advanced multiple sclerosis is no fun

It crept up on me very slowly, just think of a lion stalking its prey. Initially, I was blissfully unaware that I had an infection. Looking back with the benefit of hindsight I can see how I slowly deteriorated followed by a slow recovery. A urinary tract infection or UTI with advanced multiple sclerosis is […]
Now I have twitchy legs at night

There are hidden joys of multiple sclerosis. Its one long story of new challenges and survival. My latest problem, twitchy legs, only surfaced recently. It’s an uncontrollable twitch, starting in a muscle but culminating with my leg definitely twitching and repeats itself again and again. For some reason the fun only starts after the sun […]
Blogger’s block or possibly bored with lock down

20-June 2020 It’s been over 3 months since we were all catapulted onto a different planet. My day-to-day existence rules change every day. You as well? Subtle changes every day. Surely me, a person disabled by multiple sclerosis, should have no problem finding topics to write on and post them on my website. Nope its […]
Firing on all four cylinders

I am now recovering from a particularly nasty bout of man-flu. I was in bed for two a half days with a sneeze rate of anything up to 10 per hour. Add to this a temperature and I felt super grotty. I was not firing on all four cylinders Going out into the fresh air […]
Bed is the only place for you

Thursday 30th of April arrived I felt decidedly second-hand when I woke up and it went downhill from there. I felt as if I had been rejected by the local rubbish dump. Eventually I retired to bed very early in the evening. MrsB took my temperature, 38.3 and added. “Yup, bed is the only place […]
I wake up every night to visit the lavatory

I saw my MS consultant for the annual visit in November 2016. He asked me if there were any changes since my last visit to the clinic. I said to him “Now I wake up every night to visit the lavatory and have a tiny pee”‘ I wake up every night to have a pee […]
Going away for a short break

Going away for a short break used to be so easy. The hardest part was deciding where to go. The wife and I would finally agree on a place. From then on it was a simple process. Throw a few clothes into a suitcase, grab a book, car keys, wallet and the cheque book and […]
Something prevents a good sleep

It all started in the middle of last year, 2015, I had an appointment to see a urology consultant. I was having problems with leaking urine before I inserted a catheter to have a pee. Only very very occasionally was there a total disaster. Accidents do happen and very occasionally I have to change my […]
At Night I Can’t Just Fall Into Bed

It’s the evening, I’m tired and its bedtime but at night I can’t just fall into bed. I have to go through a ritual every evening before I can get into bed and start reading my book. Getting undressed and removing my FES is quite a palaver. If I do this standing up I’m guaranteed to […]
Good Days and Bad Days

Its only started over the last few days. It’s a return to the old times of good days and bad days. What’s happened? I am still just as busy. I am still doing things that I enjoy. Some of the things I do even earn me a bit if money. One small thing has changed […]
Chillow Pillow

The Chillow Pillow is a cooling pad insert for your pillow that brings cooling relief throughout the night. A Chillow Pillow is especially effective to ease you into a good night’s sleep! It is a cooling pad and only two centimetres thick. No power is used and the Chillow Pillow is allergy free. It reduces the […]
Sleepless night

Friday night on 14 December 2012 was yet another sleepless night. I seem to have lost the knack of falling asleep. I managed to doze before finally dropping off at about 5 in the morning. When I woke up at about 9 I did not feel too awful, Barby said ‘stay in bed and get […]