VELA Salsa sit-stand chair

People have sat on something since they descended from the trees. A three legged stool is probably the earliest form of seat furniture, no back or arm rests and always stable though not necessarily level. The Vela Salsa sit-stand chair is at the opposite end of the spectrum. I want to tell you why the […]
Nobody mentioned grab rails

I guess a few of you who are reading this have got that irritating little disease, multiple sclerosis. It’s the way it advances. Step by step it creeps up on you. It’s funny how something that wasn’t a problem changes and becomes a problem. Even worse, suddenly its an ‘in your face’ problem. We had […]
Height adjustable round shower stool

The Height adjustable round shower stool has a lightweight frame. It is an essential item to have in the wet room or bathroom at home. I have advanced MS and my balance and mobility are very poor. Now I must sit on a stool when I use the wash-hand basin as well as in the shower. […]