MrsB and I went go on a London Road Trip

Entrance to Tate Britain
MrsB and I went on a London road trip on Saturday 18th March. See the Hockney exhibition at the Tate Britain and then on to the Coliseum to see Pirates of Penzance. It’s always the other little events that make the day interesting.
The Road Trip
MrsB and I travelled into London independently. I arrive at Euston and now the problems begin. I do not like traveling on the buses by myself, so pathetic of me. Very few Tube stations in central London have a lift so travelling to Tate Britain means a tube trip from Kings Cross to Green Park. I then use Google maps and do the rest of the journey on my Trike. A great way to see London.
Ride my Trike into tourists
The real temptation is clusters of slow moving tourists, this time they are in Green Park. The idea of a Chico Marx style hooter appeals to me. Instead I ring my bicycle bell and it is invariably heard.
Wrong Loos
When I arrive at the Tate I have to go to the loo. I go into a loo and it’s completely empty. Didn’t think anything about the row of cubicles, must be a gents I thought to myself. Came out of the cubicle and who should I see but MrsB and a queue of women stretching out of the door. Whoops, its a Ladies. I did not look embarrassed as I ride out nonchalantly on my Trike.
Outside she fumed “Didn’t you see the disabled loos?” whilst pointing at them.
“No”. I looked slightly bemused and pleaded ignorance.
The Hockney exhibition
As always too many people and too small as space and I mustn’t ring the bell. Going to these exhibitions has recently lost a lot of its appeal. Too often the exhibits are small and too many people. We have now made a resolution to go to the museum instead. Fewer people and you can go at your own speed.
The afternoon was a coup
I have discovered that a registered disabled person can get two seats to see a show at the London Coliseum for only £50. We saw a matinee performance of Pirates of Penzance. A lovely light and frothy show, no one dies and it’s sung in English. Our seats were in the stalls close to the front. What’s not to like?
OK it was a Saturday matinee so there were lots of young children but there was a lovely atmosphere. The percussionist gave his set of drum sticks to a boy sitting in front of us who was now in seventh heaven.
Sitting next to us was a man and his grandson. As they were leaving at the end I spotted a solitary shoe. I pointed this out to the grandfather, he was surprised and very relieved to find the shoe, the grandson was very unimpressed. I wonder if the boy’s mother heard about the lucky find?
MrsB and I must go on more London road trip visits to London. museums and theatres more often. I always enjoy getting out and I forget about the MS for the day.
Here are some ideas for accessible trips for London.
Nice story Patrick.
I saw the Georgia O Keefe exhibition at Tate Modern. They have a few bookable mobility scooters. Quite large things. People got out of the way of me.
That was just before I got the TravelScoot. I’d like to see the Hockney show. A good friend and I went to Salts Mill in Bradford to see their Hockney exhibits. Hardly any crowds and well worth a visit.
I’m interested. How did you manage the Travelscoot on the train? Do you ask for a ramp and pre-book or just lift it in? I’m a coward and haven’t tried public transport with mine yet. And what about the tube? I was wondering whether it would be possible to get off the trike and manhandle it onto an escalator?
Still think it’s a shame that we fleetingly saw each other the other day but did not get the chance to chat.
My exhibition of street photos taken from my old mobility scooter in Worcester is going down very well. The Travelscoot is much more noticeable so I’m finding it hard to take candids from it! Need to have another approach and use the scooter to my advantage.
Stay in touch
Hello Miles,
The Wife and I enjoy going to Museums and at at theatres its two tickets for the price of 1 cos she is my carer.
I usually find someone to help me lift Trike off and on the train, they go on or off first and I follow. I tend not to use a ramp on trains, it is all a bit of a kerfuffle unless I have luggage. No one can believe how light it is.
London Underground is a no-go unless there is a lift. On the maps lookout for a blue circle with a white outline of a man in a wheelchair, so dated. Do not use one on the escalator, I speak from experience, bitter experience.
London buses are pretty good.
Travelscoot fits into the back of a blsck cab, the driver willl lift it in for you. No need to fold it
I like the Travelscoot because it is not so obviously ‘in your face’ as the other mobility scooters but people are fascinated by it cos they have never seen anything like it before
I have signed up to Movement of Hope emails etc and offered to help them with resesrch etc. I help universities etc as a service user, keeps me occupied.
Next time you are planning to visit London we must try to meet. I don’t drive and no obvious reason to go to Worcester.
Talk soon,