Three vignettes from the last few days

Three vignettes from the last few days
A change to the usual post; three vignettes from the last few days. August was supposed to be a quiet month but there has been something happening nearly every day. Summer is now over and the days are getting noticeably shorter. The ‘to do’ list was supposed to shrink, instead it has grown.
Looking ahead
Next month me and The Wife will visit The Young Son in Sydney you will see. The departure date is suddenly awfully close. I will be off the radar for almost 6 weeks so no blogs or emails. I might get itchy fingers and get the urge to do the odd tweet when The Wife isn’t looking.
Botox injections again
A couple of weeks ago I started to wake up every night for a pee. Eventually the penny dropped, benefits of Botox were wearing off. I phoned up Queen square but no appointments for at least six weeks. I explained the Australia problem adding I would take any cancellation.
A few days ago my mobile rang, the caller was ‘Unknown Number’ and I usually ignore them. This time, I don’t know why, I answered.
“Hello is that Mr Burke?”
“This is Queen square Botox nurse speaking. Do you want to come in next Tuesday evening at 6:15?”
“Sold. I will be there and I assume you mean in the evening”
“Of course”
We carried on our conversation and we got onto double vision and how inconvenient it is for me. She suggested that I get a referral to the ophthalmologist at Queens square. Wow, I didn’t even know one existed at the neurological hospital. I have made an appointment to see my doctor and ask for a referral. Watch this space for an update.
What went wrong
I put in a repeat prescription about once a week. It is only too easy to lose track of which prescriptions need to be fulfilled. I try very hard to keep ahead of the game. One day I realised that I had dropped off about three repeat prescriptions but nothing had come back. I popped into the chemist and asked what was happening.
To cut a long story short nobody really knew what had happened. All three had gone into the system, never to be seen again. They had all disappeared into thin air. All three repeat prescriptions were resubmitted.
Homemade pesto
Did you read my post on Sitting down Gardening? It is an experiment. OK the lettuces tended to ‘bolt’ because of the heatwave. The successful plants included Greek basil bought from the local WI stall, and rocket grown a from seed.
An easy way to use them up is to make pesto. I enjoyed harvesting the leaves from plants that I had grown and nurtured. Using the leaves to make the pasta sauce was rewarding. I used a 50/50 mixture of basil and rocket. Greek basil has a mild taste and the rocket adds a certain ‘peppery’ flavour. I felt as if I owned the meal. The pesto sauce was scrumptiously delicious.
So my life in three vignettes from the last few days
Final note, watch this – Brexit means Brexit Titanic disaster
Associated articles
I have discovered sitting down gardening
Is liberation and freedom just a Botox away
August 2018
Have a wonderful holiday
Look forward to your blog when you get back and – perhaps – a short message about Sydney
Hello Francesca,
Looking forward to the break.
There will be lots of news abut one thing and another.