Travelscoot mobility scooter
Travelscoot mobility scooter is lightweight, fun to ride and it has given me freedom and independence. I have now upgraded from a Deluxe to an Escape, read my own thoughts here : My Escape Travelscoot, I love the minimalist design
What I am talking about?
The Travelscoot mobility scooter has a range of about 8 miles and a top speed of 4 mph and it is an innovative design. It weighs about 18 Kg, turns on a sixpence and it is very easily to fold up. When folded up it is the size of a large golf bag. It fits into the boot of almost any car. It is fun to ride and you do not feel disabled. An airline sized cabin case can be carried very easily. Also there is a very convenient canvas caddy that fits into the ‘A’ frame and is very convenient when out shopping.
Travelscoot mobility scooter
What is there not to like about it? Oh yes it is made of strong aluminium and it is very good value for money.
Travelscoot mobility scooter
I’m not allowed to drive, it gives me independence
Until the summer of 2010 I had never heard of a Travelscoot. I happened to see one in Chichester and had a long chat with the gentleman who owned it. When I got back home I looked it up on the Internet and wanted to find out more. After trying one out and doing some homework I decided to buy one. I suffer from multiple sclerosis (thats me in the video) and as a result I cannot walk more than a few hundred metres and that has to be on the flat. Also I’m not allowed to drive because of poor peripheral vision.
Good design and build
The Travelscoot has turned out to be an extremely good buy. When I go to London I take it on the train and once in London I can ride it from Euston Station to the City or West End. I can easily take it on London buses. It can fit in a London taxicab without folding it up.
For a time I was working in the Channel Isles. At the airport I would check-in my baggage, ride my Travelscoot to the aeroplane, fold it up and give it to the baggage handlers. At the destination it is unloaded nowI can ride it from the plane and pick up my baggage.
So lets talk about the nitty-gritty – a lot of careful thought has gone into the design and construction of the Travelscoot. It is well built and I am sure it will be long lasting. It uses a dry-cell battery, the type you have in your laptop, this is one of the reasons why it is so light.
I do think there are one or two little things that let it down, for example the instructions to maintain the brakes are almost non existent. The bell has a very feeble ring so replace it with a better one from a bicycle shop. Do remember it is a three wheeler with quite a high centre of gravity so if you take a corner too fast you could come a cropper and when going up a hill you must lean forward.
When you first get one it is very easy to have a silly accident. In case you are wondering I did have a couple of silly accidents when I first bought it but I’m a safer driver these days. A set of Allen keys are supplied with the Travelscoot so you can do any necessary adjustments. Take the Travelscoot to a good bicycle shop to replace cables or any do other basic adjustments.
I now have a new Travelscoot mobility scooter. The original Travelscoot used a drivebelt to supply the energy to tun the wheels. Now the motor in one of the rear wheels. The improvements to the travelscoot are as follows
- much improved braking system
- motor is now an integral part of the rear wheel
- it can go in reverse
I bought a new frame,to find out more follow this link my new Travelscoot.
If you would like to see other similar articles then click MOBILTY SCOOTERS. To subscribe to weekly email from this website then click SUBSCRIBE
You can buy the toothed belt 5m 660 15 mm wide on Amazon for £11.47 delivered.
Just bought one.
Hello John,
What can’t you buy on Amazon
Have you got a article yet showing it being taken apart and put together? Since that is one of the main attractions of this type of scooter, it is a major feature people will want to see. I don’t live near a showroom and many disabled people cannot travel far to showrooms, so purchasers who need a product for outings in the car need to have a demonstration so they can judge for themselves if this product is going to be feasible for them.
There are a huge range of videos that are available through YouTube put out by TravelScoot. Here is the link that will show you how to fold up a TravelScoot
There are videos that will show you how to do basic maintenance of your TravelScoot. I think they are well explained and of a good quality.They are very simple to find, go into Google type in ‘TravelScoot’, for example, then after it has made a selection click on the ‘video’ andnow make a selection. You can refine the Google search.
Hello Terry,
Not too sure I understand your query, please elaborate
Hi All,
7 months in and still loving my Travelscoot.
Has anyone bought an appropriate rain cover for theirs? I’m going on holiday shortly and know it may rain every now and then. Not intending to drive it in the rain, just want to cover it whilst I’m poolside. Any recommendations greatly received.
Hello Ryan.
Look on Amazon but cannot suggest a specific one. The crucial thing is to keep the battery out of the rain. Its a pretty tough little machine
The crucial thing is not keeping the battery out of the rain but not allowing water to get into the throttle. If it does it means the throttle looses all control and the engine come on full. The only way to control is is with the power off/on button. If you try using the brakes (as I did) you break something in the motor.
The solution is simple: wrap some clear plastic cut from a plastic bag to cover the left hand end of the throttle and the lights, securing in with an elastic band around either end.
Hello Amy,
Sounds like very sensible advice. I’m always learning new tricks. Going to write a log sometime soon about some of the tricks I have learnt to get the best out of a Travelscoot
Thanks everyone for all the advice. I managed to get one the right size. Only really needed it once, but glad to have got one for future trips.
Hello Ryan,
Next time it will be even more fun
Is it available in the UK?
Hi Everybody,
Just to let you all know, there is a Travelscoot for sale on ebay. It is located in Gloucestershire. Regular size, li-ion battery, drive belt model.
Well here we are in Spain, took the advice of others and kept travelscoot complete for the journey by EasyJet from Bristol to Malaga. We booked in at the help desk as usual and were directed to check in no 1 where people with pushchairs, golf clubs etc get their items booked in anda baggage label attatched. Then we went back to the help desk and were directed to security. We took the fast track lane to security (no queues) went through with no problems, waited to be called for our flight at the disabled area and from there taken to the Ambilift still on Travelscoot. The nice man on the Ambilift sat me in a seat while he checked if TS was immobilised by disconnecting the battery power lead and covering the lead connector with insulating tape as he said it gets cold in the hold and condensation might get in the connector (makes sense and when we arrived the battery and aluminium was wet and cold, I have messaged TS and asked if I should remove battery and carry in the cabin,still waiting for a reply) Then on arrival TS was waiting at the aircraft door. I connected the power lead and was away down the wheelchair and electric buggy lane to passport control ahead of the passengers who had left the plane before me. Into the lift and down to meet my friend giving me a ride to Calhonda. A quick fold of TS, staight into his boot and off we went. About 10 minutes from airplane door to car!
Now we have used “Shelia” all over our complex a few problems to note. Going uphill the steering goes light and you must lean forward, you can’t take a run at really steep slopes, it will tip and front wheel leaves the ground! At the top of a smaller slope don’t turn steering until on the level because you will go straight on. Take care she is not able to turn left on full lock she goes straight on especialy on a polished marble floor as in a shopping mall, you also get wheel spin. Also travelling over tiled or ribbed concerete can, for someone like me with a spinal injury be very jarring with such hard tyres. (Learning to find the smooth routes!)
However the delight in folding her up or down and lifting her from my boot with one hand makes up for all the above.
A WORD OF WARNING……. When I ordered the TS my neighbour who is 82 (I am 69) also considered one and he tried mine when it came. He loved it but the more we looked at the downsides we soon came to the conclusion that unless he was prepared to use it only on flat smooth surfaces it was inapropriate for someone of his age and dexterity to worry about stability, wheelspin and braking all at once.. So be careful to try before you buy if there is any doubt about controlling the machine. Looking forward to many happy trips with “Shelia” she has given me a new lease of travelling life. Peter from Weston-super-Mare
Hello Peter,
Thanks for the report, very interesting. When flying I always take the battery into the cabin with me.
To be honest the Travelscoot instructions do point out that you must lean forward when going up a slop. From that point of view it is a bit like riding a horse.
The drive wheel is on the left hand side. It is always easier to turn with the drive wheel on the outside of the turn. So you can make a very sharp right hand turn but turns to the left must be done much more slowly and with greater care, definitely not at full lock.
It is possible to steer when going down hill, I do it every day. Just take it slowly
The effects of bumps are inevitable on any scooter with small wheels and no suspension. Stability only becomes an issue when you go too fast especially round corners with an adverse camber. Just don’t try to burn rubber 🙂
Enjoy Sheila. My Trike has given me six plus years of independence which would not otherwise be avilable to me.
Hi Patrick and everybody,
Received my new travelscoot last Thursday and now have had a chance to test it out in various conditions.
I love it, it does have it’s limitations but these are very well indicated in the company website. I am off to Spain with her, (‘Sheila’ because we first saw one in M&S being ridden by an Australian lady here on holiday) and will give a fuller view of how we get on there. If anyone would like to see her in action in the Weston-super- Mare area e-mail me at: (substituting
@ for the word ‘at’ in the middle to confuse the spammers!
Thank you Patrick for your help in buying Sheila, I did of course mention your name and website.
Hello Peter,
Good luck with Sheila. Mine is called ‘The Trike’, really imaginative, its a tried and trusted friend. I’ve had one now for about 6 years, yes it does have a few scars thanks to the people who took it for a joyride and threw it over a hedge. But hey who wants one looking sparklign new.
I look forward to hearing about the trip to Spain. Be careful not to take corners too fast because of adverse camber and buy a decent bicycle bell – pedestrians do not look where they are going.
I have a Travelscoot with lithium battery for sale at £900. It is in excellent condition. This scooter gave my late wife [debilitating lung condition] a whole new world of enjoyment. I cannot recommend these scooters highly enough. One does not require a tailgate car as it fitted easily into my booted car. Try it and collect from Norwich area. 075 222 365 14
Advertised on my website and will post on Facebook
Job done, please let me know as soon as it has sold then I can delete the post
Hi Patrick
Could you please delete my advert for the Travelscooter. It was quickly sold and I am receiving many inquiries from your website.
Hello William,
I removed it from my website over a week ago. I am now unable to view the blog on my website and I cannot find any reference to it through Google. I have tried to find it through Google without success. I suspect the issue lies with the search engines, I have no control over them.
If nothing else it showes what a popular mobility scooter it is.
I am sorry if this is causing you problems. I have learnt one lesson, do not use phone numbers, only use email addresses. You live and learn.
We are going to Europe for a holiday does anyone know if you can rent the travelscoot in London and travel with it?
Hello Gina,
To the best of my knowledge it cannot be rented. Shame! :-((
This scooter looks very good. Where can I get one and how much would I have to pay. I look forward to you reply
Eric hawkins
Hello Eric,
My best advice is to goto They are based in Munich, Tel 00-49-89-57951906, email You pay in Euros and can use debit or credit card, contact travelscoot for the price. VAT at 20% is taken off if disabled. They might be able to suggest someone who would offer you a trial ride. I am in The Chilterns if that helps
Good luck,
Hi I’m in the Chilterns, too. Hyde Heath. Where are you?
Hello Tony
I live in Bekhamsted. Are ever over this way?
Anyone in north west England willing to let my wife sit on their Travelscoot?? Thanks.
Hello Paul,
Contact Travelscoot ( or +49-89-57951906), there might be someone close to you who could help. Sorry I do not know anyone in that neck of the woods.
Its very similar to riding a 3 wheeled bicycle.
Good luck,
Hi Paul we live in Bolton I have one for sale you can try.
see advert on ‘my new travelscoot’ blog, there is one advertised there
I’ve had my TravelScoot about a month now = I really like it/
One question – those ‘mini cupholders’ above the front wheel – what do I use them for?
Hello Phil
Really pleased you like the Travelscoot. Its great.
If you have to use a walking stick There should be a black stretchy band that goes around the handle bar. Slot stick through that and rest the stick in the egg cup. Do you use a stick?
I have found Blue to be OK
Is there anyone out there who still wants a Travelscoot. I have the latest deluxe version ( Liithium-ion battery, etc) which I wish to sell. It cost £1700 some six months ago and has been used three times. Reason for selling no longer required. I am looking for £800 and live in Somerset between Yeovil and Taunton. Buyer would collect.
I have alerted 3 or 4 people. If no joy in a few days then send me a couple of photos and I will publish a quick article and post on my website
Also suggest you post comments on all Travelscoot articles. Put Travelscoot into searchbar and take your pick where to place the comments
Hello there
I have just seen your advert for a deluxe travelscoot.
Can you tell me if this is still available please?
Many thnaks
You need to liase directly with the owner. The email address is You might need to be quick off the mark
Hi Curtis I have latest version for sale lithium battery.
07932 048902
I am interested in your scooter please let me know if it is still for sale many thanks
You need to liase directly with the owner. The email address is You might need to be quick off the mark
Hallo Baz, I’ve just found this site,are you still looking for a buyer?
Kind regards Terence Carver
Hello Terrence,
Cannot find a Baz, What are you looking to buy and I will send you the email address
Hi do you still have the travelscoot for sale
Kind Regards
07932 048902
Hello Alan,
Sorry I was told of a few but there are none as far as I know. They do not come onto the market at all often, people like them too much Quite often the seciond hand price is almost as high as the new price
see advert on my new travelscoot blog , there is a rtavelscoot for sale
Is travelscoot still for sale
It has been sold
See post my new travelscoot for a travelscoot for sale
Is this still for sale please? Has it got the ability to go in reverse and how are the brakes?
Hello Janet,
I’m afraid it has been sold. 2nd hand Travelscoots are very rare
Please could you let me know whether you have sold your travelscoot. I am interested
My mobile is 07888758711
Hello Ann,
Yes it has been sold
Has anyone got a second hand scoot for sale or does anyone know if you can pay for one in installments?
Second hand Travelscoots are very hard to come by but you never know. I have been told of two in the lst few months.
They are not sold in the UK. contact the German office but I think it is unlikely.
Just receeived this. See comment in Travelscoot article email address is
Just receeived this. See comment in Travelscoot article email address is
This post gives additional knowledge for everybody. I commend this product which is very helpful for impaired young and adults to have a greater determination,to grow independently and stronger.
Travelscoot Standard for sale. Selling on behalf of a family member. Approx 1 year old. Latest design with hub motor and reverse function. Lead acid sealed battery with charger. Only use a few times. Reason for sale, assembly of Travelscoot proving too difficult to manage due to nature of illness. This Travelscoot is in AS NEW condition and purchased for around £1600.00 when new. Asking price £1350.00. Includes Basket that sits on front.
Don’t miss a bargain.
You are welcome to try before you buy.
Any questions call Alan 01204 665560 or Mobile 07974156701 (BOLTON LANCS.)
Anyone interested in Travelscoot. I have latest model for sale. I live in Bolton Lancashire.
Call 07974156701.
Hi Patrick,
I met a couple of guys with TravelScoots at an Overcoming MS retreat I attended recently. I have been very resistant to using any mobility aids – but watching those guys whizzing around made me realise that my grim determination to manage on my own is massively restricting me! They were both extremely positive about their scoots, and I have been looking at the website, but would really like to try one out before I buy. I see that you have kindly offered others the opportunity to have a trial on yours – can I be cheeky and ask if you would allow me to try it out? I live in Hertford, so not too far from you. I would be most grateful. Thank you. Sue
Hello Sue,
Give me a ring on 07947 024691 and we can arrange for you to come over and try it out.
I went to Hertford by public transport last week and it is a bit of a mission – I have to go into Euston then use my Travelscoot to get to Kings Cross and change at Finsbury Park. Something like 1 3/4 hours.
Look forward to hearing from you,
i am interested in getting one of the travel scoot are they actual sold in the uk i am getting some unusual responses when i go in to mobility shops asking to try them. I am in cambridgeshire. thanks
Hello Cindy,
You have to buy them from Munich in Germany, there is no UK distributor. I am nothing to do with Travelscoot, just a very enthuiastic user. The website is Here is the phone number 00-49-89-57951906 and the email address is TravelScoot European Union. Phone in the morning, Germans start work at 8 am and Germany is 1 hour ahead of UK time.
They might know someone who you can contact for a demo. I live in SW Herts near Hemel Hempstead if you would like to try my scruffy but much loved scooter.
For more info contact me on
Hi Patrick,
I think I should try one out before I commit to buying. I emailed TravelScoot last weekend to ask if there is a user near me who would allow me a go but I haven’t had any reply yet. Do you know of any users near Lymington?
Hello Pepi,
I do not know of anyone near Lymington. The best bet is to give them a ring
Having read a multitude of reviews the Travelscoot looks very interesting. The only reservation I have is whether the foot rests would work for me. I have MS and get spasticity and spasms in my legs. Are there any travelScoot users out there who have similar issues who can comment on how they manage?
Hello Mike,
I sometimes get restless leg but it has not affected me when using the Travelscoot. Remember that you do not use your feet for anything once on the Travelscoot. It is possible to change the foot bars for foot plates, would that help
The only time you use your legs is when getting on or off the Travelscoot. I do have very bed dropfoot in my left leg. When I get onto the Travelscoot I have to stand on my left leg, use the handles bar as support and them move my right leg across. Now I have a leg each side of the steering column and can sit down on the seat and drive off.
Have just been reading all these posts about travelScoot. So helpful. But would need to try one. Anybody in Norfolk/Suffolk? I need to be able to load and unload myself, and take it on trips, like visiting family in Australia.
Was wondering if there is anybody who has a TravelScoot and lives near Guildford in Surrey. Would love to try one prior to purchasing.
Many thanks
I have MS and I’ve just bought a TravelScoot Deluxe with aircraft grade Li-on battery. It’s fantastic! Being a small female, with a small car, I was unable to load heavy scooter parts into my boot. With this one, I remove the seat and the superlight battery, drop the steering column and handlebars and load straight into my Mini. So simple! I used it for the first time yesterday in town and I can’t recommend it highly enough. It took a few days to ship from Germany via UPS. I am exempt from VAT and was able to complete an exemption form which TravelScoot sent via email, scanned it and then send it back to them. I had to telephone Germany to pay with my credit card, but they speak good English. Now my aging father in law wants one too! I tried out Luggie but it was still much too heavy for me to lift, and it’s much more expensive. So, TravelScoot gets my vote!
Hi Christina
I too have MS and am looking for a lightweight scooter that I could potentially fit into my Mini. My husband has been looking at the TravelScoot as an option but I was concerned about the footrests and wondered how comfortable they can be. Do your feet slip off the footrests when you get tired?
I cannot give you Christina’s email, I hope she sees your request. Let me tell it from my point of view. Bad dropfoot and dropleg in my left leg. I only have the simple bars to rest my feet on and it has not inconvenienced me at all. I have to lift my leg onto the bar using my left & right hands. There is a bit of muscle power in the leg but not much. The existing system serves me well.
I am a bloke and my shoes have a heel and I am sure that does help me to keep my feet in place on the bars. I think you might have problems wearing shoes with no heel and a flat sole
I hope that helps
Hi Patrick
Many thanks for responding. Your comments help and in actual fact I try to wear shoes/boots with a small heel as I find it easier for when I walk a short distance to have my feet lifted up a little. We have been looking for some time for a lightweight scooter and based on the comments on your site I think we are going to go ahead and buy a TravelScoot.
Thanks again for your help.
Keep up the good work with your website.
Oi! I’m was looking at this with my Mum in mind but I am a full-time wheelchair user myself. I found your “It doesn’t brand you disabled” comment very offensive. People who become disabled shouldn’t be saying to themselves, “I’m not disabled because disabled people are not really normal.” They should be saying, “Now I’ve become disabled, i realise what a mistaken impression I’ve always had of disabled people.”. Stop thinking disability is, in some way, shameful! It’s no better than being racist or homophobic – but even more common, unfortunately.
Hello Susan,
I’m sorry that you found the comment “It doesn’t brand you as disabled” very offensive. There is no offense intended. The point I’m making is that the design of the Travelscoot mobility scooter is totally different from that of other mobility scooters. The Travelscoot is fun to ride, extremely practical and totally different from any other mobility scooter. It is an exciting and innovative design. The Travelscoot has given me independence, the chance to go to places that would otherwise be impossible, do things that would otherwise be impossible for me.
I do not think disability is shameful. If you understood the freedom and pleasure the Travelscoot has given me then I think you would look at what I have written in the article through different coloured glasses
I would like to know were I can purchase one of these travelscoots and also how much they cost i have seen them before but wasn’t able to find out much about them would love more info thank you . chris
Hello Chris,
Best bet is to go to their website The office is in Munich, you can pay for it by credit card. The cost is in Euros and if you are disabled then the German VAT is exempt. The cost something like £1,200 after excluding VAT. Rather than using email it might be worth giving them a ring. They will supply reference sites. I think it is a wonderful mobility scooter and I have no financial involvement with the company.
What is the battery life and weight please?
On a flat surface with an average person then it is about 8 miles. Distance depends upon weight and terrain. Recharges in about 3 hours. Weighs 2 – 3 Kg. More details on the Travelscoot website
I want to purchase a travelscoot but would like to see and try one first as so expensive. Prepared to travel to try one if anyone willing. Live in Rayleigh Essex so if you are wiling and live a reasonable distance away please contact me.
Hello Jo,
I run the website aid4disabled. If you can make it over to Berkhamsted, about 8 miles from junction 20 on the M25 You can try out mine,
Hi if anyone is interested, I have one of these to sell. Excellent condition hardly used by my late father. £800 Ono. Contact me at Many thanks.
Hi All
I live in Bushey Herts and i have one of these forsale it’s not even six months old, it’s the deluxe version. unfortunately my uncle passed away unexpectedly and i’m trying to sell it for my Auntie.
Please let me know if you would like to look at it, i can bring it to you if you are close, i have photos showing the condition and am happy to answer any questions.
Thanks Mel
The Travelscoot basket is useful for the front and holds a surprising amount of shopping especially if you put all the rectangular items in it. However, I took the Rixen Kaul shopping basket off the front of the bike that I can no longer use and put it on the back of the Travelscoot. See:
There is a good reason why these bike baskets are so popular – they hold a vast amount. People comment on the basket as much as they do the Travelscoot, as most mobility scooters come with dinky baskets that appear to have borrowed from the tooth fairy.
The Klick-fix bracket means the whole basket is easy to take off and take into the house, rather than one having to unload the contents and carry items in your hands into the kitchen to put away. I recommend the version with the waterproof cover, because if it does rain the basket will fill up with water. Also, you can cover what is in the basket and leave it outside a shop and passers by are not tempted to help themselves to your baked beans.
They are widely available from bike shops:
If anyone in London wants to try out a Travelscoot, they are welcome to test-drive mine. I live on a hill in Dartmouth Park, very close to Hampstead Heath, so testers can wander around the Heath celeb-spotting and prove to themselves that it goes up Parliament Hill.
020 7485 7625
I am trying to purchase on of these online but much of the form is in German which I do not understand. I will need it delivered to an address other than my registered credit card address. Any advice please
i live in Bushey Herts and i have one of these forsale it’s not even six months old, it’s the deluxe version. unfortunately my uncle passed away unexpectedly and i’m trying to sell it for my Auntie.
Please let me know if you would like to look at it, where are you based?
Thanks Mel
Whats the price.
Does it tip
I’m very interested
You must contact Travelscoot,, TravelScoot European Union You pay in Euros and then shipped to you. You must be able to walk in order to use it. Yes it is tippable but all mobility scooters like the Travelscoot can tip over. You do need to learn to drive it, but not difficult to learn. Look out for adverse camber, lean forwards when going up a slope. More a matter of common sense and awareness than anything else
If you live near the Chilterns you can have a trial ride on my Travelscoot. When you talk to Travelscoot please mention my name.
i live in Bushey Herts and i have one of these forsale it’s not even six months old, it’s the deluxe version. unfortunately my uncle passed away unexpectedly and i’m trying to sell it for my Auntie.
Please let me know if you would like to look at it.
Thanks Mel
hi, i am looking for a used Travelscoot Delux with the lithium battery for use on airplane. Do you still have yours for sale as i cannot find any used ones within Europe!
Hello Debbie,
Yes I still have my old Travelscoot. You will need to buy a seat and front wheel from Travelscoot. I had a new frame and transferred the front wheel and seat to it. I also have two batteries for it but I do not think there is much life in them. I have a spare pair of brake the brake blocks and a power band that transfers the power from the motor to the wheel. These are available from Travelscoot. A good bike shop will be able to do maintenance work if you are not practical
Second hand Travelscoots are like hens teeth. You can take mine for £200 shipping costs
Where can I try one of these in Nottingham or derby?
Write to Travelscoot. Go to the webpage and then the ‘contact us’ tab. There are the email addresses and phone numbers for the various branches.
Hello patrick, lovely review, i am a small man 4′ 4 / 1.25m , I currently live in mexico, but are returning to uk as life here is hard being disabled.
I search for the Travelscoot, do you recommend me buying it, i would be traveling in London to and from work, bus, underground or train depends on the route. Can barely walk a mile without getting exhausted.
I saw they have TravelScoot Shopper Junior which is smaller.
What do you recommend me doing? I can buy it here too or should i buy it there.
Anymore feedback would be nice.
Many thanks
I suggest you talk to Hardy, phone the Munich office for advice. I think they are very good compared to other mobility scooters. When you talk to Hardy please mention my name.
Realistically you cannot take thw Travelscoot on the underground unless there are lifts. There is no way I cold manage mine on the escalators. The London buses are very good and check the railway stations are step-free.
Good luck
I would like a price for the travelscoot
8 – Read the labels. Staying calm and being well rested is a reliable remedy for nausea.
It’s actually practically unattainable to come across well-qualified individuals on this area, still you look like you be aware of the things that you’re preaching about! With Thanks
Gary M. Vaughan
Where can I buy one?
The price, and the phone number.
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I am another one for whom this has been a life-changer. Having been effectively housebound with MS for most of last year I got my life back a week before Christmas, a couple of days after I wrestled the Travelscoot away from two of the children who took it immediately after it was assembled (the other is too cool a teenager to try it).
The reason for this comment is I seem to have the best basket: I took the Rixen Kaul basket off the front of my old bicycle (see and put it on the back of the Travelscoot, attached beneath the seat, like this:
It does not upset the centre of gravity as it is above the battery.
These baskets are wildly popular with cyclists for good reason – they are astonishingly capacious and unclip from the bracket at the press of a button (the bracket does not have to be removed from the Travelscoot when taking it apart), meaning you take the basket off rather than have to unpack the contents.
I also have one of the Travelscoot baskets for the front to use when required. With the two baskets and a bag on the red carrier in the middle I came back from Sainsbury’s on the bus with £75 worth of groceries at the weekend, including trays of cat food and a 5l tin of olive oil, so it was heavy. The Travelscoot came up the hill from the bus stop to our front path without complaint. The kids moaned, though, when I asked them to help get the shopping in the kitchen…
Life-changer, excellent description. It sounds like it is being used as a real workhorse. Another example of their practicality
Hi, I purchased. A Travelscoot in October 2013 and it is the new version with reverse, better brakes and no drive belt.
I have lived with MS for 20 years and now struggle to walk large distances. I have had to stop doing certain things I love ( shopping trips, going for long walks with my family etc). I started looking for a scooter to fill in the gaps. I searched the internet for days looking for anything that was more convenient than a standard mobility scooter as they did not provide me with what I was looking for. Stumbled upon the Travelscoot and immediately knew it was exactly what I was looking for. I rang the company and spoke to the owner . He was very friendly and helpful and provided contact details for several other owners in my area who were happy to be contacted. In the end I discovered that he was exhibiting at REHACARE in Dusseldorf ( largest disability trade fair in Europe). I currently live in Belgium so I went for a day out on the train.
Found the Travelscoot and disappeared off fir a test drive round the fair. Loved it so much I made my order on the spot. It is very manoeuvrable, turns on a penny and collapses very quickly and easily. I weigh about 55 kilos and seem to get about 15-18 kilometres on a charge. I have taken it on bumpy forest paths without problem, find it goes up slopes without a problem and is a joy to drive round shops.
It us light enough that I can lift it into my car easily and it is so convenient.
Happy to answers any questions on this new version. Best thing I have bought in years. My world has opened up again.
Hello Sally
I have just recently become aware of the the TravelScoot having seen some one using it in Lyme Regis. Didn’t think at the time could I have a go. I live in Dorset and would love to have a go at using one before buying. How did you go about purchasing it? Could you tell me the cost? It now has reverse and brakes and no belt drive? Any information you could give me I would really appreciate.
I live in Bushey Herts and i have one of these forsale it’s not even six months old, it’s the deluxe version. unfortunately my uncle passed away unexpectedly and i’m trying to sell it for my Auntie.
Please let me know if you wouldare interested in it,
Thanks Mel
Is it still available please contact me annettecrombie
Sorry about the delay in the reply. Go to Here are the contact details: TravelScoot USA, 504 Kirkland Road. Chehalis, WA 98532, United States of America. International dialling code 1-800-342-2214. To dial in US 0800-342-2214.
Good luck. It is fantastic,
I live in south florida please tell me where i can find a dealer that has the travel scoot . my mother has MS and this would be easier than the elect wheelchair she has.
I have been surfing online more than 2 hours
today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours.
It is pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did,
the net will be a lot more useful than ever before.
I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like
yours. It’s pretty worth enough for me. In my view, if all site owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the net will be much more useful than ever before.|
I have been surfing online more than three hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours.
It is pretty worth enough for me. In my opinion, if all website owners and bloggers made
good content as you did, the internet will be much more useful than ever before.
I phoned the German office and Hardy gave me a reference site, try him. I got an idea of the Travelscoot when I first saw it at Chichester.
I live in Berkhamsted, near Hemel Hempstead, You can always try mine if that helps
Dear Patrick,
I live in Hemel Hempstead and only saw your comments regarding this scooter, which I am seriously considering, would you be prepared to let me see your Travelscoot and see the folding setup. If you are agreeable then please let me know which day and time would be convenient.
Dear Barbara, Did you manage to see it? I live in Biggleswade and would also like to see one.
i live in Bushey Herts and i have one of these forsale it’s not even six months old, it’s the deluxe version. unfortunately my uncle passed away unexpectedly and i’m trying to sell it for my Auntie.
Please let me know if you would like to look at it, i can bring it to you.
Thanks Mel
I have been looking at these for some time, but am reluctant to order without first trying one. How did you manage to try one out before deciding to buy?
Yvonne Argyle
Travelscoot cannot be bought in the UK. Go online to It is shipped from Munich, Germany. All obvious repairs can be done at a bicycle shop and he is always helpful.
Asdk Hardy for some references that you might be able to chase up.
Where in the u,.k can I purchase a travel scoot. I live in Northern Ireland